Sunday, March 25, 2012

I feel my Savior's Love

One of the speakers at Time Out for Women used this quote by President Eyring from the 2000 Ensign. 
"The Savior will let you feel the love
He feels for those you serve."
It reminded me of a story that happened about 5 or so years ago while living in Logan.  I was serving as a ward missionary at the time along with my good friend Heidi and we were so sincerely trying to help a couple of super troubled sisters in our ward.

This one in particular was single and had just one child if I remember correctly.  I remember making so many efforts to invite her to every event the Relief Society put on and often trying to visit her to just see how she was doing.  We looked for any opportunity we could to serve her.  One day - her birthday I had a strong impression to go mow her lawn.   Her lawn was EXTREMELY long and her lawn mower was broken!  We had an old beat up lawn mower that didn't have a self drive and had me sweating just mowing short grass. 

Thankfully I listened to the prompting and put the lawn mower in the back of my white explorer and headed over to her house.  I didn't go talk to her, just unloaded the lawn mower and started my job.  Adrenalin kept me from feeling tired for the first couple swipes down her lawn but soon I was feeling so hot and tired!  I wondered if I would be able to finish and if I was even making any difference.  I found myself praying, "Heavenly Father, please let this act of service show this sister how much we love her and to feel the Savior's love for her too!"  Immediatly I felt an overwhelming sense of love that the Savior had for this sister.  It made the job easier.  I knew if he were here this is what he would be doing.  Serving her.  She was not making good choices in her life and never ended up coming to church.  In fact soon after she joined another church but that experience taught me SO much!  Heavenly Father is aware of her and although she was not an active member of the church he loved her so deeply. 

I am grateful for that experience and the many lessons that service teaches.  I am thankful for a testimony of a Father in Heaven and Savior who love me and are aware of me and that although we may stray the Lord will forever love us.

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