Sunday, June 28, 2020

Teardrop Lake

Saturday morning at 5:30am Molly and dad, Mike and Sage loaded up and drove to Henry's Lake.  They fished there all morning and only got a tiny minnow.  They took kayaks and immediately Molly got a leech stuck to her leg so that was the end of that. I dare sat it was a disappointing time.

Thankfully they met up with us in Ashton at Big Judds for a hamburger and a smile.  We couldn't go early because Ella was doing a fundraiser car wash with the student council at Bonneville and needed to stay until noon.

Then we drove to Teardrop Lake (also known as Snow Creek) and found a spot we could enjoy with hammocks, kayaks, fishing and relaxing.

The kids all had a great time. 

Ella had a good hour napping in the hammock.

Thankfully the boys caught a few fish at this lake and we ended the day with tired eyes, a few mosquito bites and big smiles.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Big Elk Creek Camping

We went camping with the Christensen and Elder families at Big Elk Creek for a few nights and had so much fun playing in the lake and with friends.  Lincoln and Grant were best buddies and had so much fun playing together the whole time.  They got pretty good on the little kayaks. 

A few times we loaded up and went to jump off the dock.

Ella and Bree had so much fun together too.  They are also the same age.

Even dad got in on the fun.

Rainbow looms, snakes and hammocks.  Everyone had plenty of friends to play with.  

And as we were leaving a hummingbird visited camp.  So much fun!  God is good, and nature is beautiful.  We are so blessed.