Tuesday, June 18, 2019


This past weekend we used a free ticket Ella had earned from doing the Playmill theater clinic and took our family to Yellowstone.  

Man, sometimes you forget just how beautiful this world really is until you take a drive through somewhere like Yellowstone.  It's gorgeous!  The colors were incredible and the world just seemed so green and HAPPY!  I was especially happy to have my family all to myself for a day.  These guys are the absolute best and I love them with my entire heart!


I love that everybody is getting used to my obsession with taking pictures everywhere we go.  They can quickly smile and move along and I'm happy and they are happy.  :)  They have come to appreciate my journaling and keeping track of all the things we do so they can more easily remember.

I love these shots that Ella took in the car.  Molly is so good with Grace and keeping her happy. 

Alissa delighting in a joke she likely told herself.  ha!

Lincoln always happy to go along with the flow especially if he gets to play a device while we drive. 

Dustin taught us all about the French man who named the Grand Tetons.  I'm sure this will be something not soon forgotten by the kids. 

OLD FAITHFUL!  Thankfully we got there about 10 minutes before it went off and it was just perfect.  Such an incredible geyser. 

We ended the day with the playmill show and drove home through the sunset.  A perfect way to end the Saturday before Fathers Day in the beauty of nature with the people we love most.