Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lincoln's Birthday

Since we are all quarantined we decided to get out together into the woods and breathe some fresh air.  We just went a little ways out of town toward Arco and drove four wheelers around.  It was nice to get out of the house and watch the kids giggle together.  These girls are having more and more fun together as they get older.  I feel so thankful for them.

Also thankful for this boy who just rolls with it.  We only had to save his life about 100 times walking through these cracked lava rocks.  AH!  

So blessed to have this family!  Glad they are patient with me while I set the camera up for a picture like this. :)  One day they will thank me.  They truly are everything to me.

Grace and dad enjoying those Doritos. 

Monday we decided to get out again and this time go to Twin Bridges campground.  Dustin built us a fire and the girls had fun riding the four wheelers around the campground since nobody was there.  It was a good place to practice driving.  It was Lincoln's birthday so since EVERYTHING in town was shut down due to coronavirus we let him pick:  stay home or ride four wheelers. :)  

He's a trooper!  He had fun getting outside and getting his brand new shoes dirty.  

His favorite presents were the Ryan surprise egg and the brand new bike grandma and grandpa left on the doorstep for him.

And he had his "pancakes with a candle in it" breakfast. 

The girls stayed up late decorating for his birthday and setting up a scavenger hunt for him to find his gifts.  They could hardly contain themselves with the excitement they felt and I was so happy to watch them serving their brother. 

*Lincoln is the most laid back kid.  
*He loves to be the center of attention and make people laugh.
*He loves his sisters and can easily be convinced to do just about anything 
they would like him to do for them.  Especially if they bribe him that they will play with him or he can hang out with them and their friends.
*He's especially obsessed with touching Grace's cheeks.  Sometimes he gets a bit crazy and smacks her cheeks or squeezes her.  He just loves her.
*He loves to play electronics and his current favorite is Xbox Lego Marvel game.  
*He's a smartie pants and does very well in school.
*He loves to ride his bike and play with friends.
*His favorite friend right now is Grant Elder who lives right by us.
*He's lost 3 teeth already.
*He is probably the most loved little boy in the whole world with 4 sisters and a mom and dad who are all just absolutely smitten by him.  Nobody could take his place, he's our only Lincoln boy and we love him!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


This past Friday, before the real chaos of Covid - 19 hit - we went to Downata Hot Springs.  What a beautiful time it was as we were the only people there soaking in their large hot pool.  The kids played together and we enjoyed each other for a good 2 hours!

We decided we were close enough to Logan that we would just drive on through and stop at one of our favorite stores, Pepperidge Farm thrift store and eat some of our favorite pizza at Firehouse and our favorite ice cream at Charlie's with some of our favorite people Bob & Haley Hughes.  We spent the evening at their house eating and then drove home but it was sure a fun filled exciting day that I am so grateful we squeezed in before the madness.

The kids got to climb Massacre Rock. 


So a few weeks ago we started hearing about this Coronavirus in China that had a high fatality rate and was spreading quickly.  Now here we stand today the virus has made it's way to every state in the United States 7038 cases and 97 deaths.  School is out, church is out and the world is trying to quarantine in order to prevent the virus from spreading so quickly.  I have never experienced anything like it.  Anxiety is high and the world is in a bit of a panic.  A 5.7 earthquake hit near Provo, UT today and that caused only a bit more upheaval.  People hit the stores and the shelves were being cleared so quickly it was frightening.  Each one of us didn't want to feed this problem but at the same time we were afraid if we didn't buy the things that everybody else was stocking up on we couldn't provide for our family when needed.  One of the biggest items in demand has been toilet paper and people haven't been able to find it anywhere or they wait in line for it at the store the day it comes in stock.  It's a conscious effort to focus.. don't panic.. focus on the ONE who loves me and my children even more than I do.  Who will take care of us - he is refining us.  I must trust.

I have been so truly grateful for the time I was able to serve in emergency preparedness and although I haven't been stocking up for a while because of our recent move, I pretty well knew what I needed to get and was able to get a majority of it without much fuss.  I love how the Lord helps us be prepared for the upcoming in our lives.

I have felt so grateful for the Lord preparing us for this event through the Come Follow Me program rolled out last year in order for us to learn how to have a Home Centered, church-supported worship.  This past Sunday was the first time we were able to have the full sacrament meeting at home with permission given from the Stake President to every worthy male to administer the sacrament.  Dustin and I had tears most of the meeting as the spirit was so strong and touched us deeply.  The kids said they felt it as well which was so tender to me.  We had small cups and a lace table cloth and a plate of bread which was perfect as we renewed our covenants with the Lord.

General Conference is coming up in only a few weeks and last October President Nelson told us we would need to prepare for it as it would be based upon the Restoration and the celebration of 200 years.  No members will be given tickets to attend, only the Prophet, apostles and the choir and their families to avoid the virus.  The temple has been closed to all except live ordinance by appointment, activities have all been canceled and the church locked up.  All extracurricular activities have been postponed or canceled and it is as though the Lord pushed a giant pause button on our lives in order for us to find the time to prepare for this.

I have felt pressure in my efforts to be a good mom.  I am trying to find activities that help the kids get smarter, develop their talents or build relationships with their siblings while they are out of school.  I have been trying to point out the hand of the Lord whenever I see it and encourage them to help our family have the Spirit so we can be able to hear any promptings or revelation that he is sending us.  I have such good kids.  They have been really quite obedient and submissive through it all.  I can tell it's shaking them a bit too and I am happy to know they trust me and know I want what is best for them.  Thankfully I have Dustin by my side who we trust to guide us as he is inspired as well.  He is a good man and has been working some long hours to provide for our family and enable me to stay home with our kids.  He does such a good job.

I have felt the weight of trying to be a good leader to the 160 some sisters in the new ward.  I was called to serve as the 1st Councilor in the Relief Society and as such I just feel this responsibility to make sure we are leading and actively ministering to the sisters in our watchcare.

I need to have more faith.  I need to trust the Lord will guide me more than I do.  I doubt myself and my weaknesses although I know he can do all things - can he work with me?  I need to try and allow myself to be the instrument in his hands.  I need to repent for my shortcomings and make sure he knows my willing heart.  I love the gospel, I love the peace and the joy it brings to my life and I feel blessed to be living in this day where we may very well see the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I pray we can be worthy to live with him again.

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Slug Bugs

Dustin & his buddy Danny coached Molly and her basketball team this season through Iona.  They had so much fun playing together that they decided to sign up again through YMCA.  

Kourney was also playing through Iona so we went to watch her one Saturday and realized the girls have the same number!  What a crazy coincidence.  

Love those coaches and those girls!  They learned a lot and got a lot better playing for a few months.  I was sure proud of them all. 

I was also proud of the tshirts I made for those coaches.  I think they turned out pretty cute. 

February Little Things

Sundays are always a struggle as to how to entertain different than the TV for the sabbath day.  The kids decided to set up a salon for me and Lincoln and Ella but she didn't want to do it so Grace got to soak a little differently. :)  

it was pretty great treatment getting our feet done and having a special drink.

Our makeup was a little crazy.  Molly was a unicorn, Alissa a buttefly, me - earth, Ella a fish and Lincoln just let them do his hair.

We have had so many friends over and late nights since moving and we are loving it.  Molly and her friend Kimmi dressed up as matchies and made some cookies.  It was pretty cute.

The girls got to go sledding with our new activity days group at Freeman park.

The girls made Valentines again, I didn't get a picture of Alissa's by molly did Airheads and Alissa did otter pops.  They both spent a lot of time making the perfect Valentine box and Molly's class had a competition, which she won Most Creative.  She was pretty pleased about that. 

I got to make cookies with these cuties one day. 

Learning how to be messy...

We had a combined FHE at my house in February and decorated a lot of cookies and delivered them for Valentines Day.  The kids had a lot of fun.

I had a pretty great birthday with a trip to the temple with my sweet Ella, watching Molly play basketball, eating Johnny Carinos, taking a little nap and a beautiful necklace Dustin gave me of a nest with 5eggs representing my babies.  Alissa went to a choir clinic and these cute girls text me this picture for my birthday too.

We spent a few days making forts and sleeping in them. 

Lunch with the kids. 

One evening they were playing doctor and they were doing "surgery".  They had the weighted blanket like from the dentist and had found a chip clamp and they taped it to a phone charging cord and used it as their oxygen tester.  I love how creative they are when they play!