Monday, November 14, 2016


That little baby tooth sure served me well but the root was gone and I got a cavity in it so it was due for the implant I had dreaded my whole life.  Truth be told though, it wasn't even a tiny bit as bad as I had dreamed it would be.  It was a piece of cake.

I chose the IV sedation so I could relax about it because my anxiety got pretty high from worry about it.  The doctor hooked up the blood pressure and pulse and told me the stats were pretty low for being nervous so that was reassuring.  It was good to get the IV in though it made me just feel sleepy. 

Here is a picture of the beauty.  Looks painful but honestly it wasn't bad. 

And little did I know I was going to be leaving the office and be toothless for the next 8 weeks!  I have a retainer with my tooth in it but cannot eat with it in so I pretty much don't wear it because, lets be honest, I eat all the time. :)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Ella earns her Faith in God Award

Ella has worked really hard on learning all 13 Articles of Faith and doing all of the requirements including meeting with the bishop, writing and baring her testimony and many more and was able to earn her Faith in God award last week at our Activity Days Recognition Night.

Three of the girls earned it and as her parents we felt pretty proud of our girl.  

We took her on a special date all by herself to the Olive Garden last week and her dad ordered her a special drink even which she quickly sucked down.  But we enjoyed some uninterrupted time with our girl who is all too quickly growing up.  I love who she is becoming, such a beautiful girl inside and out!  

Ella's bread

Ella came home from school yesterday and told me that her friend had told her at lunch she has never had home made bread so she asked, "can we make some mom?"  So I helped direct her in making it all by herself and it turned out beautiful and delicious.  Of course this loaf got a little squished after cutting it fresh out of the oven.  It's hard to wait when the anticipation is high.

Good job Ella, for making great bread but also for being such a thoughtful friend.