Friday, August 5, 2011

Ella's Adventure - Haircut & Tonsils

This has been a big week for our family, but Ella in particular.  After our party on Saturday things just got even more busy.  I did haircuts most of the day Tuesday - 1 haircolor, 9 cuts and 1 perm.  Then Ella decided she was tired of getting her pony tails put in and out each day so she wanted her hair cut off like Alissa.  So we sat her down and chopped her hair.  It looks nice.

Afterward she put on her slick sequin shirt with matching black leggings and some high heel white shoes and pranced around her daddy hoping for a compliment.  Since he's not too observant when it comes to that sort of a thing I had to give him a  nudge.  We went to dinner that night and Dustin rolled the windows down.  She asked, "Don't I look so pretty with my hair blowing like this?"  I'm really happy she likes it.
Thursday morning we had to be at Mountain View Hospital by 5:30am for Ella to get her tonsils out.  She has had strep at least 5 times this year so we thought this would be the best option for her.  She was giddy and loving every second of the attention with her daddy and I in the hospital.  She got to be in the really cool jungle room.  They gave her all sorts of fun things to bring home and she just thought it was great.  I forgot the dumb memory card for my camera AGAIN (I've got to carry around a spare in my wallet or something) so here are the "better than nothing" pictures I took with my phone.

Then they wheeled her away.  She was a little worried, but nothing too big.  When it was over, we talked to the doctor he said everything went well and she was not a willing participant.  I could tell by that - we would have a story.  They finally came and got us to go be with her and the nurse escorting us back commented that she was a feisty one.  Oh boy, when I saw her she was fighting all over the place on the bed, her pants were coming off and her face was just sweating.  Immediately she wanted me on that bed and holding her.  It was a terrible sight to see.  I jumped into the bed and held her against me and tried to calm her down.  She was so upset, coughing and trying to throw up.  Finally they gave her some pain medication that made her calm down and then we had to give her oxygen.  She was so upset saying, "I can't sit up!"

Later in the day she told me the story:  She said they were trying to have her lay down and put that mask on to put her to sleep but she was "freaking out" and so she put unicorn over her face.  She said they took unicorn away and held her head so hard while they put the mask on her.  She doesn't remember anything after that, but she just sobbed telling me the story.  All night she wanted to snuggle with me and have me be so close to her.  When I would wake her up to give her medicine again she would sit straight up in a panic that something was wrong.  I feel bad it was such a yucky experience for her. 

She is doing excellent though.  We got her home and she's been drinking Gatorade and apple juice, eating lots of ice cream and Popsicles.  She loves being in her pajamas and thinks it's great that she gets to watch as much TV as she wants without mom getting upset.  She even ate some mac n' cheese today.

Her sisters have been chillin with her too.  So when we got Ella home and settled, my mom brought the 2 little girls home and commented that Alissa was running a fever.  Surely she was and was lethargic and whiny.  I decided since Dustin would be at work the next day and I couldn't exactly take Ella out I had better take her into Community Care that evening.  Alissa, Molly and I loaded up and headed to the doc.  Molly fell asleep so I put her in the stroller and covered her up hoping I would get lucky and have her sleep through the visit.  There was only 1 car there so I assumed we would get right in and out. 

Just as we sat down and got comfy Alissa started to barf all over me and her.  I couldn't get the receptionist's attention until she was finally done and we were an absolute mess.  She brought me a bucket to put our stuff in and some wipes to start cleaning up.  I asked for a gown or something to change Alissa into so she didn't have to be stinky and wet.  They were kind and got me one, but then she was freezing because she had no pants on and I brought her in sandals.  Oh gees.. now Molly is awake because of this noisy episode. 

Finally after 2 1/2 stinky hours we get out of Community Care.  Apparently they were stitching up a kid's knees because of a long boarding accident.  Alissa was dehydrated and had an infection in her throat.  They ended up giving her shot of antibiotic so she didn't throw it up and filling a prescription for me.  If she didn't get much to drink by noon today she was going to need and IV.  Thankfully she drank a couple sippy cups since then and is acting TONS better today.

All I could do last night is pray.  I wanted to break down and bawl my eyes out from all the commotion going on around here.  We're trying to play Dustin's parents 50th Wedding Anniversary party for next weekend which is getting stressful and we've got company coming this weekend and next to stay at our house.   As always the Lord answered my prayer and helped me get a good night's rest.  The kids all slept well and I was probably only up 5 times just to give kids medicine and of course because Ella slept in my bed next to me she peed in her sleep for like the first time in 3 years. 

My sister Heidi says this day makes her want to become a nun.  Nah.. It's worth it.

One last note.  I want to tell my testimony that I know Heavenly Father loves me.  I know He hears my prayers.  When things get calm I hear:

"I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine, can peace afford.
I need Thee, oh I need Thee.
Every hour I need Thee.
Oh, bless me now my Savior, I come to thee."

This is one of the ways the Spirit teaches me.  Through hymns.

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