Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trouble and Trouble in training

Everybody told me when I had these two babies 18 months apart that they would be the greatest of friends.  So far Ella and Alissa have been the greatest of friends until this week I noticed a little bond growing between Alissa and Molly.  Molly is doing the same thing Alissa has done with Ella - keeping her eye close on every move she makes.  When I see them playing together I think:  Trouble and Trouble in training.  Their favorite thing to do it hover around the dang faucet outside and turn the water on.  If the hose is on they find the end to the hose and get things, including themselves all wet.  It buys me a few minutes of time so it's usually worth the clothes change to let them play for a few minutes.

Ella's getting ready to go back to school and the 2 of them get to play every day.  I'm happy for Alissa to step up to the biggest sister plate for a few hours of the day.  I think it will be really good and fun for her.  No doubt we will miss Ella though.

Odd as it may sound, I have been enjoying every minute of my babies getting older.  I've either been pregnant or with a new baby for the past 3 years that it's a relief to have Molly running around and feeding herself pretty well now.  There are no jokes about it, having kids is hard work!!  I don't know how some of those mommies do it and still stay so put together.  I am really so grateful to be a mom though.  It has taught me so many things I couldn't and wouldn't have learned any other way.  Love these kiddos!!

Here are some glimpses at Trouble in training...
Using the open dishwasher that mom got distracted from as a stool to get things off the countertop.
Playing crazy dress up with her sisters
After eating an ice cream cone she got to buy me some garage sale time in the car.
Climbing on top of the table... again.

Found somebody's bag of cheetos and was headed out the garage with them.  Obviously enjoying herself.

Oh boy, the fun has arrived!!

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