Friday, December 2, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

 We got our tree assembled and ornaments hung...twice.  The first time we didn't/ I didn't make a very good effort and our poor tree looked pretty sad so we undecorated it and gave it another go.  The girls didn't mind.

I really don't like putting the tree together, I guess that's my problem.  I don't mind putting the ornaments on and making it look nice, but I'm burnt out by the time I get the dang thing to even stand up straight.  :)  So sad!  My mom and dad started a tradition with us as kids that every year we got a new ornament the day we put our tree up.  I loved it so I continued it with my kids.  My mom was way more clever and got us an ornament that reminded us of what we had done that year.  This little mouse's arm is broken off but she still reminds me of the middle school year when I was in home ec at and sewed an apron and learned to make stir fry and pretzels.

And tweety bird's head is missing but he reminds me of the years I took photography is high school and photographed for the yearbook.

I love how Ella sat staring at the finished project daydreaming.

This year a little elf showed up to visit and keep his eye on the kids until Christmas Eve.  Ella named him Smokey.  Every night he goes back to the North Pole and then shows up in the morning to keep another eye on the kids.

I'm not sure who is having more fun.  Me and dad or the kids. :)

One of my favorite decorations of all is my Fisher Price nativity.  Dustin's parents gave it to me last year and I LOVE IT!  The kids reassemble it almost every day and it makes me a little crazy, but then happy.
We are also going to start reading a Christmas story every night.  We are going to start next week.  The anticipation is making Ella nuts.  She is so excited to unwrap that first book.

And presents are starting to gather around the tree.  Thankfully none of the kids have touched them, however I did give them a pretty hefty threat if they did.  Told them the presents would go away if they did.

I know the festivities are only beginning, but it's nice to have that warm Christmas feeling in our home.  I just love this holiday!

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