Friday, December 2, 2011

Growing Pains

Every now and again when things slow down I start to notice how quickly time has gone and how old my kids are getting.  It makes me so excited to move onto new phases of life, but so sad to say goodbye to the last, younger phase.  Here is a little update.

Miss Ella is learning to be a bit more independent and a ton more helpful.  She is and always will be her sensitive sweet self.  She is good to compliment and notice when I need her, I seriously LOVE that about her. 
I noticed this on the fridge a few mornings ago.  I had mentioned the night before that we were almost out of milk and croutons.  Thanks to Ella (without being asked) it made it to the actual grocery list.

Here is a recent laugh I had.  Every night she makes this little symbol at the bottom of her worksheet.  I never understood it and just shrugged it off.  So as I watched her make it a few nights ago I realized she was copying my initials. :)  I have to initial her homework sometimes and she was doing it for me.  he he.. I had to correct her on that small matter.

She is so smart and doing so great in school.  She got to be the "Student Teacher" a few weeks back and LOVED it.  For a whole week she got to sit in a desk next to the teacher, wear the lanyard around her neck, have a giant white board (vs. a small one) and other special privileges.  Her teacher has been terrific and has really been trying to push her even though she is ahead of the game. 

I saw a girl with a shirt that said Mom's BFF Forever and I totally wanted it for Ella.  She is one of my Best Friends and I hope we can always be close. 

Alissa is getting so much fun!  She is starting to love dress up and puzzles and I guess have a longer attention span is what it comes down to.  .She tells me she is Sleeping Beauty and wears around this pink dress most days now. 

Even wore it to bed one night.

She loves to have "school" with mom and do her flash cards.  She has the alphabet sounds almost all down and recognizes a lot of the letters.  She knows colors and shapes and is just a little smartie.  She shows me a little attitude here and there and pops her hip out with her hand on it.  Wonder where she learned that??

Although she isn't causing as much mischief she still does find a little trouble here and there.  She loves to help me load and start the dishwasher and she poked the detergent gelcap just a bit too hard. See the blue on her forehead.  I made her stand there until I could get the camera cause I was laughing so hard.  Obviously she wasn't too amused.

She has been in this little phase of asking me to hold her all day.  I guess she is craving a little more attention.  I have been trying to take time to do a puzzle with her or make her some new play dough or something.  She misses Ella from the time she wakes up and Ella is gone until the minute Ella walks in the door.  If I let her out when Ella gets off the bus she will run as fast as she can all the way down to Ella's bus stop to greet her with a giant hug and throw her legs around Ella.  It's precious.

She and Molly are starting to play a little better together.  She still gets really frustrated because Molly is messy and clumsy and all those things that Ella used to get upset about with Alissa.  There are times that they are the best of friends.  Like lunch today when I find them giving each other kisses.

Molly is getting so big!  In the last few weeks she has picked up so many words.  Including:
ipod, draw, help, ah oh, poo, shoes, ya, bee bee (binki), dink (drink), jood job (good job), da do (thank you)

She likes to take her diaper off and sit on the toilet like her sisters.  Every once in a while she will go, but not that often.  This is how it started with Alissa though so I guess I will hope that in 6 months I will be done with diapers.  Wouldn't that be amazing!

She is starting to dress up a little bit with the bigger girls.  She likes to feel big.  I like her to feel big too because it make me laugh to watch her prance around.  She got her first haircut today.  I buzzed it with a 1"guard to even it all up.  Hopefully it starts growing in.  She takes after her mama.

She wants to feed herself these days and sit in the booster instead of the high chair.  OH MERCY!  I clean up so many messes these days.  Thank goodness for Shout spray or my laundry would be horrible.
She has her mom and dad wrapped, but especially her daddy.  When he walks in she is the first to greet him with a smiley, "HI!" and if she is not tied down in her booster she runs and gives him big hugs.  She is pretty much always happy and is just a really great baby.  She sleeps so well now that she has most of her teeth in and has been sleeping 8:30pm-9am the last few weeks. 

Almost every night she likes to come lay by Dustin and I on the bed and wrestle or snuggle or do whatever just to stay awake and have a little attention.  I can't help but love every second of it.  It's so crazy how quickly time goes by. 

Oh, I am so blessed.  So grateful to have these sweet girls in my life!! 
It just doesn't get much better than this.

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