Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July 2011

We had a SUPER fun holiday!  We started first thing in the morning with the parade.   
Before we left I attempted to paint a star in red, white & blue on the girls face.  Except Molly who only got dots since she wanted to eat the brush.

We met Aunt Heidi and a friend down on 16th street.

The girls thought it was lots of fun.  Especially Alissa who loves all exciting new things.

Molly loves her daddy!

So this is how Ella's tooth looked most of the day. 

After the parade we went to my parents house and met up with all my siblings for a BBQ and some water games.  We played water baseball with cups of water and the slip n slide.  It was a riot!

Great Great Grandma Bitton & Molly

Go Mom!!

Yay Dustin!

Molly, loving her personal bucket.

Kailey, Kaitlynn and Ella at the fireworks.  After we left my moms I took the girls home for a bath and held Ella down for about 1 second while I yanked that tooth.  I was tired of her playing with it and for the last few nights she has cried in the middle of the night because it's been sore.   I remembered a lesson taught by my High School Parenting teacher - "You have to love your kids enough to let them hate your guts."  I figured it applied in this situation.  As soon as the 1 second was over she loved me again because her tooth was out.

Yay for no more snaggle tooth!

Alissa with Heidi & friend watching the fireworks.  My kids love their aunts and uncles.

Ella wanted a picture with fireworks in the background.  As always it was an awesome firework show.  Ella was actually the most nervous out of all my kids.  Molly didn't sit still through the whole thing, Alissa loved it and Ella sat in the stroller hiding her face.

I feel so blessed to live in America.  I fought tears all weekend: at the parade, at the fireworks, sitting in the car listening to patriotic music, standing in church for the Star Spangled Banner.  I just am so thankful for all the many people who fight for our freedom and the families that sacrifice so much.  God Bless America!!!

 I am thankful especially to live right here in good ol' Idaho with the people I love the most!

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