Friday, February 3, 2012

Journal Junction - My School

This month, write about your school.  How do you get to school?  Is your school big or small, or do you have school at home?  What does your classroom look like?  What is your teacher's name?  Write about some of the things you like learning about.

I went to preschool at Mrs. Grogan's preschool on Crowley road.  I remember bawling and clinging to my mom, begging her not to leave me there.  Every day she made me stay.  I learned the Pledge of Allegiance.  I can't really remember anything else I learned, however I'm sure there were quite a few things.  I was SUPER shy through preschool and probably didn't say much, believe it or not.

I attended Iona Elementary over at the old City Building until 3rd grade when the new Iona school was built on Iona Road.  My teachers were: Kindergarten - Mrs. Kunde, 1st Grade - Mrs. McFarland, 2nd Grade - Mrs. Croft, 3rd Grade - Miss Jensen, 4th Grade - Mrs. Stanger, 5th Grade - Mrs. Roberts. 
Kindergarten:  Mrs. Kunde pulled my first tooth out in Kindergarten.  She put it in a little tooth box and sent it home with me.  She must have pulled a lot of teeth because she had the little teeth boxes right there in her drawer.  My mom made me a shirt with little fringes and beads tied on the bottoms of them.  I loved it.  One day I was shaking my shoulders around during class making sounds with my shirt and Mrs. Kunde gave me the eye and I thought I was going to cry.  I felt so emberassed that I had done that and felt like I was in so much trouble.  Funny that I remember that.  Mrs. Kunde gave me a positive report card and my mom and dad gave me a little (fake) watch that opened and had lip gloss in it as a reward.  I was so excited for that!

1st Grade:  I only remember that people used to call my teacher Mrs. McFartland instead of Mrs. McFarland.  I thought it was funny though.  I was still really shy.

2nd Grade:  Mrs. Croft was my favorite teacher up to this point.  She just seemed to have so much compassion and made me feel comfortable in class.
3rd Grade:  I loved Miss Jensen, she was tall with red hair and so much fun.  I remember my mom coming to help the class one day and most times I would go home with her because I would start crying when she left.  This particular day I tried really hard to be brave when she left and my teacher took me in the hall and gave me a sticker and told me she was proud of me.  It meant a lot.
4th Grade:  I was the last class that Mrs. Stanger taught.  She retired after our year and I could have sworn she was going to die that summer.  I just kinda thought that's what retirement meant.  So I'm pretty sure I cried when school got out that year.
For 5th grade my school was over crowded and needed some students to volunteer to go to Cloverdale Elementary school not far from our school.  I had a cousin that went to Cloverdale so I was one of the volunteers.  I was still pretty shy up to this point so I'm sure my mom was nervous for me to start a new school.  I would ride the bus to Iona with the other kids and then change buses to go to Cloverdale with about 5 other kids.  We used to give ourselves "cootie shots" with a red pen it was an xo. on our wrist just in case a boy sat in our seat before us. :)  Mrs. Roberts was a good teacher and Cloverdale was an amazing experience.  It really helped me to get over my shyness.  There was a merrigo round at Cloverdale and I could run fast.  I knew how to push the merri go round really fast and the other kids loved it.  I remember the kids chanting my name when I would come out to recess because they wanted me to come push.  This did a lot for my confidence and in my mind was what I needed to overcome my insecurities.

6th through 8th grade were spent at Rocky Mountain Middle School.  I had a lot of teachers over there, but a few that stand out are Mr. Paul for crafts and Miss Jolley for Reading who was also my cheerleading coach and friend.

I enjoyed getting to be a cheerleader at RMMS along with 1/2 the other 8th graders. :)

For 9-12th grade I attended Bonneville High School. 

Freshman, Junior and Senior Year I was a cheerleader again.  I was captain my Junior and Senior year.
We even made a billboard! :)  Our coach's husband put this billboard up to support us.  Crazy huh?
Junior year I was also involved in Athletic Training and even taped Dustin's head a few times for football because his helmet was rubbing his skin off.  I also did photography for the yearbook staff Junior and Senior year.

My senior picture.

Senior year was great for me.  I got nominated for Homecoming Royalty along with Katie Huls and Ericka Christensen.  Ericka Christensen won.  It was exciting.

Because I was captain of the cheer squad I also was a part of Student Council my Junior and Senior year which was a super great experience.  I made some great friends and had really fun times.

This is the cheer squad for Senior year.

After graduating from Bonneville in May 2001 I started beauty school at Career Beauty College in.   Rexburg in September.  I attended there until September of the following year.  I lived at home and hung out with Dustin every night and then drove up to school every morning.

Dustin and I were married in August 2002 - 1 month before graduating from beauty school so from that point on it became earning a PHT for me.  Putting Husband Through.  The month I graduated from beauty school he started school at the University Place in Idaho Falls where he attended for 1 year.  He got a scholarship to USU so we moved in August 2003 to Logan where he earned a Masters in Electrical Engineering from 2003-2008. 

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