Tuesday, December 23, 2014

9 Month Lincoln

My baby is 9 months!!  It's amazing to me to think back at the week he was born.  It's unreal that he was a struggling baby in the NICU.   He is such a big happy boy now.

Thankfully all of his sisters are pretty good with him now.  Molly is still a bit crazy with her constant picking up and packing around but I can trust her in the same room with him for a few minutes now which is improvement.  He is super fond of Alissa because she normally just sits and plays with him I believe that is mostly because he is too heavy for her to pack.  He is 22 pounds now and she is only 39.  She is the BEST of all of us at making him laugh.


I think it's fun when they get creative and do things like this old box and jump rope sled. :)

Or a giant circle surrounding him with his toys.

He has learned to get around mostly through rolling and doing giant stretches while pushing with his feet.  He started standing up a little bit against anything he can grab.  I loved watching him give himself kisses in the mirror.

He went swimming for the first time over Christmas vacation and the water was cold so it took a few minutes to decide we were having fun.  I spent about 2 hours snuggling him in the pool and watching the girls tricks.  Summer swimming will be better.

He had an ear infection and has struggled with not feeling well and certainly not sleeping well for the last while and it was obvious why when 5 teeth popped out within about 5-6 weeks.  He now has 3 top and 2 bottom teeth.

Such a precious sleeping baby.

His dad thinks he is his best buddy and gives his big smiles and kisses right when he walks through the door from work.  Lincoln loves him equally however still prefers mom over anybody and I am good with that.  He does say "dada" all the time now too.  I'm pretty sure he means mama though, ;)

When a blessing this baby boy is to our family.  He is such a sweetheart and so much fun for all of us.  So grateful Heavenly Father decided it was time for him to join us and can't wait for all of our fun times ahead.

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