Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Grandpa David

It's hard to put this on paper because the emotion of it is so intense.  Many details will be left for my personal journal but I still want these events to be included in our family journal.

After getting home close to 11:30pm on Christmas Eve some neighbors called and asked Dustin to come help do a quick lift for their kids Christmas gift.  Within a couple minutes he came walking into the house with tears streaming down his face.  He had received word that his dad had passed away.

We called my mom to come sit with the kids and quickly went to his parents house to see his mom and dad before the mortuary got there.  I am so grateful for that experience.  Although we sat there crying most of the 2 hours we were there, the Spirit confirmed a peace to us that everything would be ok.  My mother in law is one tough cookie.  She explained to us that this is what she had been praying for.  She loves him way too much to continue to watch him suffer in such extreme pain from the cancer that was taking over his body.  Amazing. experience.

As to be expected it was hard to go to sleep.  It's just a really surreal feeling still to this day.

Dustin decided not to tell the kids anything until after they got to open their presents and enjoy Christmas morning.  Before we left the house to go see his mom we sat the girls down and Dustin told them what had happened.  I don't think I will ever forget that.  Such a hard thing to watch, not the kids, but the daddy.  With sympathy in her heart Ella just went and hugged her dad.  All we knew how to do to help.
Throughout the week we got together here and there to plan and prepare.  Something I hope I never have to do again in a LONG time.. I wasn't even at the front end of the planning either.  We just gathered to talk about the funeral program, what songs would be sang, what flowers to order, what lot at the cemetery to choose, etc.. 

The viewing was held on Friday night at Wood Funeral in Ammon.  They had a wonderful turn out and the room was filled with support, love and laughter.  Most people remembered Dustin in diapers but it was still fun to see the support the Braithwaites have and the many people who loved David.  I was so happy to see our good friends the Hansens, our friends the Hughes' parents, my grandparents and great grandma and the Kundes, Ben Dance, Dave Anderson friends from high school.

There was another viewing on Saturday morning followed by the funeral at the Mesa building.  I have no idea what kind of turn out we had because we were in our little family group.  I feel bad about that, but I guess that's just the way it is.  I realize why families "seem" strong at funerals too.  After hearing the life sketch read and even participating in writing it, hearing the songs sang multiple times for practice and crying almost every time you prepare yourself for the actual performance.  I also believe there is a great comforting spirit with families during this time.  It felt more like a celebration and tribute of his life rather than a mourning for our loss for just those few hours.

David was buried in Iona cemetery so we drove out there after the funeral.  This is Dustin's oldest brother Devin with his 4 boys.  He has 4 boys and a girl but she had already left.  David is serving in the Air Force and was able to present the flag to Grandma Carol.  Adam wore his scout uniform as a tribute to his grandpa who shared a love for scouting.

The pall bearers were David's 6 sons: Devin, Kirk, Brian, Alan, Boone and Dustin and his younger brother Brent.  Dustin very humbly gave the Dedicatory prayer and did a beautiful job.

We enjoyed a luncheon afterward put on by David and Carol's ward at the church building and then went home and took a 3 hour nap.  All 5 of us.

I have never had to experience anything like this in my life.  Thankfully.  I feel like it has been a true test of my faith.  It is so easy to talk about your testimony of eternal families or the spirit world but when it has to be applied in your life it is different.  I do still know and still do have a testimony that David is walking and teaching and helping the Savior Jesus Christ in the Spirit World.  I have felt his presence and feel he will be another angel helping our family to return to live with Father in Heaven and with him.  I am SO grateful for the Savior Jesus Christ.  I am thankful that he has paved the way for us to overcome sin and death.  Never been so grateful.  Still feel sad.  I read a conference talk that reminded me that we will never "get over it" until we are reunited in the next life. 

I have been so grateful for so many people who have reached out and showed their love to us in this hard time.  It's hard to know what to do, but the genuine love and concern is the best thing people have done for us.  We are so blessed.

I am sure I will be writing a little more about my good father in law and some of the many MANY things I admired about him.

This is a picture we put out at his viewing and funeral and now have sitting on our table.  I took it this summer up on the Salmon River - his favorite spot on earth. 

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