Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 23 - The Easter Egg Hunts

Saturday morning my sister Heidi and I took the girls out to a few Easter Egg Hunts.  We were trying to go to Tautphaus Park, but made it just in time to get stuck in the traffic of cars leaving the event.  So we headed over to Iona's Easter Egg Hunt.  Heidi took Ella and I stayed with Alissa.  Alissa was funny, she just kinda stood there and watched as the kids and parents swarmed the area and clean up the eggs.  She ended up with a little whistle and juice which was just fine.

Ella aparently froze at the whistle, so Heidi helped her get going and she ended up with the GOLDEN EGG and won a bike and kite.  It was pretty exciting!

We went to Bonneville's hunt after that and let them get a few more eggs and see the "Easter Bunny".

Finally we went to my parent's house and mom did her 3rd annual Adult Easter Egg Hunt.  I must admit it's super fun running around like a bunch of little kids. 

Mom hides eggs for the grandkids and they get to find theirs first and then she hides eggs for us all over their huge yard.  Each person gets 6 eggs and 2 bags of candy.  The eggs all have money in them so once you touch it you have to keep it. (unless you are Jeremy and didn't listen to the rules :) )

Then we all headed out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in town, Canton.  I seriously love spending time with my family, they are so great!!

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