Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Little Things from February

I have all these "little things" pictures on my phone from February and I always forget to include them but they are the little things that make life so great.

On my birthday my parents took my siblings and I to lunch along with Molly and Lincoln who were not in school and Lincoln's chocolate milk came with a mustache on the straw.  We all got a kick out of it.  Cody took the picture for me.

Ella and her life long friend McKenzie were bored one day so I encouraged them to follow the recipe themselves and make some cookies.  They made some yummy cookies and were proud of themselves. 

I looked over at my night stand the other night to see Alissa's name carved in it.  I thought that was odd so I called Alissa in and asked her about it.  It was obvious to me she was telling the truth that she hadn't done it so I called Molly in.  After some serious interrogation she confessed.  Apparently the two natural wood lines making a triangle shape were just encouraging her to dig her sisters name into it with a pencil.  Honestly, it makes me laugh now.   

Straight out of the car from school Molly took Lincoln outside to push him in the swing because she knows he loves it and she loves him.  My heart swells when I see them doing things like this for each other.

See the colors on the window behind Molly.  We were at the car wash.  I realize more and more every day that these kids are growing up and things like the colors of the foam at the car wash aren't as exciting.  I'm trying to embrace these moments more. 

Lincoln is obsessed with going outside and its making me realize we need to finish our fence.  He knows how to let himself out and will shut the door behind him so you don't even know until you can't find him.  He almost made it to the road the other day.  He loves his soccer ball his dad bought him and he took it out and was giving it a ride in the swing and on the teeter totter.  I guess this is what boys do when they don't have a baby doll to play with?

He fell asleep watching TV like this the other day.  Makes me laugh. 

We found this Christmas present one of the girls had got a few years back and they all thought it was pretty fantastic to play with until it popped a few hours later.  Look at that grin though! 

Lincoln has started to smile and laugh at movies.  His all time favorite is Curious George but he will watch just about any cartoon you turn on these days. 

I lost my hand weights and looked everywhere I could possibly think of in my house for about 2 months.  My sister reminded me I should pray about it and during a quiet moment the thought came to me where I should look: in the basket next to my night stand under all the clothes I need to mend.  Sure enough, there they were.  A great reminder to pray. :)

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