Monday, December 5, 2016

Two Concerts

As part of our Christmas gifts this year I felt like experiences would be more memorable than gifts so I created 25 days of Christmas cards for my kids to open each day that have an experience we get to do such as make gingerbread houses or go Christmas caroling.  These were part of our experiences.

Last night we had the opportunity to take the girls to a BYU-I Christmas concert with David Archuleta as a special guest.  The girls, mostly Ella, were excited to go to their first concert.

I'm pretty sure if you asked the smaller girls what their favorite part was they would say the dancers and the background that looked like Elsa (from the movie Frozen) had been there.  However I'm pretty confident every single one of us felt the Holy Ghost as well as the Spirit of Christmas.  It was a fantastic night that we enjoyed together.

Lincoln got to stay and play with James and had the time of his life.  I'm pretty sure Jameson is his favorite person to play with.

On Friday night we had the opportunity to go with my parents to the concert Voice Male.  A man from our ward is a part of that A Capella group and I wished so badly I had brought the kids to that concert because it was entertaining!  They were hilarious, we seriously laughed until we cried and the music was awesome.  None the less we had a great time and look forward to going again next year.

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