Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby Steps

I am 23 weeks pregnant this week!  It seems like the more kids I have the faster time goes and that is scary!  There have been a few things different this pregnancy than normal.  I'll share my favorite first.  I lost 14 pounds within the first 18 weeks and Dustin gained about that many.  There was never a craving - only food I could tolerate.  Dustin however would come home from work with a particular craving.  It made me laugh. 

My less favorite symptoms are that the placenta is in the front of my stomach so I am only barely starting to feel the baby move and it's pretty much all tiny movements.  I have also experienced some anxiety this pregnancy which lead me to believe something was wrong with me.  I would experience shortness of breath, rapid heart rate and dizziness and it happened often!  After having my blood sugar, blood pressure and iron checked they confirmed it was only anxiety.  I suppose it has something to do with the fact that I already have 3 kids and a husband..and a home to take care of.. and 2 callings.. and do hair one or more days a week.. or have 5 visiting teaching sisters to visit each month.. and teach Joy School.. and whatever other million things come up - like Christmas presents to buy?  I had some serious melt downs which led to a giant melt down and even a loss of temper and had to face reality that something had to change.  I received council from my Bishop during tithing settlement and had a blessing from my dad and Dustin and finally made a few choices.

I am preparedness coordinator for my ward and recently an assistant was called to help me so I asked to take the back burner for a while and let her run with things.  I also sent this email out to all 146 people I had on my client list from this year:

After much thought, stress and tears I have decided to be done doing hair starting the first of January.  I anticipated taking a "maternity break" starting April however for whatever reason this pregnancy is throwing me for a loop and I can't handle the same workload I normally could.  Maybe it's due to the fact that I have 3 kids to take care of too - or just Molly.  Either way, it's pretty stressful.  :)  I have thought much about the Good, Better, Best talk by Elder Oaks and realize there are better and best things that are being neglected in my family's lives at this time due to the day/days each week I dedicate to doing hair.

I hope by the time school starts next year I can slowly get back into the swing of things, but no promises.  In the meantime, my younger sister has moved from Rexburg to Idaho Falls and has access to a small salon station in my parents basement (some of you have visited it).  She has a little higher prices but does a good job and can try to work something out with you if you'd like to start having her do your hair.  You can text or call her 208-881-6815 her name is Heidi Stanfield.  I would be happy to give you any color information to share with whoever you decide to take care of you for the it me being. 

Sorry for the inconvenience.  I know you will all understand as you are all my friends.  :) 



PS  For those of you already scheduled with me - your appointment still stands. 

I just wanted to document this HUGE decision.  I have been so grateful for Dustin for helping give me kind reminders of the many good things I am doing that are only good things.  He encouraged me to be done doing hair sooner that I wanted but it really feels like the right decision.  It makes my heart so happy to think of the time opening up for me to be a better mom and still take care of myself during this baby growing mode. :)  He stayed home from work with me on Monday this week to help me catch up on so many neglected things around our house and that helped me so much!  So grateful for him and his support.  He is a good man.

Now.. we will see what adventures come our way in the next 17 weeks before baby boy joins our family.  Hopefully they are happy ones.

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