Friday, September 20, 2013

Pancakes & Strawberries

At the beginning of the summer we started a little journal.  We didn't do too great at keeping up on it, but one of the most valuable things Ella wrote down was the recipe for pancakes.  She got really good at making them and did this batch with absolutely no supervision.
She was pretty proud of herself for a good reason.
Molly & Alissa have to have a crazy face shot. 

Since it's cooled off our garden has gone wild!  We have been picking cups of strawberries about every 3 days (no complaints about that).  We all LOVE it! 
However, the zucchini got a little out of hand when we found 2-3 huge ones like this every 2 days.  I finally had to pull the plant.  The kids used a few of them as babies after they drew faces on them.  I guess when you have that much zucchini you might as well use it for something purposeful.  Thankfully we were able to give lots away. :)

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