Friday, January 18, 2019

Alissa's Birthday

Alissa had her 10th birthday on the 18th.  It was a pretty uneventful day because dad was at work and again I’m not leaving much with just having had a baby.  She took ice cream cups to her school class and we ordered Olive Garden for dinner and watched Christopher Robin that she and dad picked up from the Redbox.  

The next day she invited 5 friends to meet at our house and we took them sledding for a few hours then back here for some cake and ice cream.  They had such an awesome time sledding together they could have continued to play for hours I’m sure.  Her amazing daddy drove them up the hill over and over so they didn’t have to use much energy climbing back up after sledding down.

She invited her friends Emma Crane, Ashlynn Morgan, Hadlie Daniel, Lia Hendrix and Taylor Rigby. Taylor is Molly's age so she hung out with Molly and Ella invited her friend Kailee Daniel as well.

Grace and I enjoyed her first time sledding in the headed vehicle.  :)


Alissa has continued to do gymnastics this year and changed to a gym in Rigby called "Flips".  She has done well with it.  

She goes to the GATE (Gifted And Talented Education) program this year so she does a few extra projects throughout the year.  She got into this program from having high test scores.

She has become known this year as SLOW!  When I pick her up from school it's pretty known that I'm the last vehicle to leave the school because I am waiting on her to come mosey out the doors.  We have lectured and threatened and she has done extra dishes but still seems to be slow.   She is slow in pretty much every area of her life right now.

She is an excellent skier.  Her dad has told me the only real thing that scares him about her skiing is that she is going to get herself on a lift bigger than she can handle cause she is just that brave and confident in her abilities.  Hopefully she doesn't do that, but I am proud of her for being so good at it.

She is the cleanest child in our house.  When she cleans she is thorough and does a great job.  She prefers her room stay clean which gets frustrating when sharing a room with Molly, but I suppose again we are learning to accept differences.

She is not into electronics.  When all the kids are zoned out watching TV or playing a game, she just wants to do a craft or see if a friend can play Barbies.  She is really not into zoning out to electronics which I love about her.

She is a great girl with such determination and so many talents.  I am so thankful to have her as my daughter and in our family to teach us and love us and help us all return to Heavenly Father as an eternal family one day.

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