Monday, January 7, 2019

Baby Grace

Grace was due January 10, 2019.  Through the last 8 weeks of the pregnancy I have been doing twice a week visits to the doctor to do an ultrasound one day and a non stress test on the other to make sure the baby was ok.  The primary reason for this is because I am 35 years old which puts me at a higher risk for complications.  They called me "maternal age of maturity".  Made me feel old!

Through my ultra sounds the tech confirmed week after week that the baby was actually due on January 1st and was in the 70% for size.  She confirmed the baby would likely be close to 9 pounds by the due date so I was getting a little worried about how I was going to get this baby out.  I had only had 7 pound babies.  We scheduled an induction date for January 3rd.

The evening on the 1st, Alissa started to feel crummy.  The next morning she was feeling horrible and had a fever so I called the doctor and they had no available appointments.  I took her in anyway and asked them to swab her for strep, which was negative.  They suggested we swab again for influenza and sure enough, it came back positive.  I had no idea what we were going to do considering I was supposed to be induced the next day.  They prescribed everybody Tamaflu and suggested we all start it today.  I called Dr. Leavitt, my OB and he suggested we wait until Monday to have baby.  Everybody felt better until Sunday when Ella started to feel sick.  She was the only one I hadn't started on the medication so I started her on it and got super worried I was not doing the right thing by having the baby on Monday.  I called up to the Womens Center and they told me they thought it would be ok since I would stay in the hospital until Wednesday.

My parents kept the kids and because they had all been sick they stayed home from school.  We headed to the hospital about 7 and got started.  They poked me 5 times to get my IV in and used about an hour and a half of time trying to check me in and get started with everything.  Finally we got some pitosin started and the epidural was in by 11:45ih.  Doctor came and broke my water about 1:00.

We watched the monitor for contractions and as soon as the epidural was in we got pretty sleepy and things slowed down so we dosed out and in of sleep.  Boone came to visit for a few minutes so I sat the bed upright to visit with him and I suppose some gravity of sitting helped encourage things along because I started to feel some pressure while visiting.  He left about 4:30 and I asked the nurse if she would check me and sure enough I had gone from 3 to 8 in dilation in about 45 minutes so she called the doctor.

5:15 our incredibly, sweet, absolutely perfect baby girl was born.  I couldn't get over how tiny she was that I completely forgot to check her gender until the nurse lifted her leg and showed me it was a girl!!  Dustin got to help deliver again which is always special.  I love him and am thankful he could do it.

She only cried for a quick second but was comforted by being against my skin.  I cannot even describe the intense and immediate love I feel for these babies when I get to hold them in my arms.  They are such a beautiful blessing from Heavenly Father and I am so thankful to be their mommy.

They let me hold her for a good long while before even weighing her and then, completely against what the ultra sound tech said she was 7lb 0oz and 19 3/4".  So perfect!

We were pretty sure she was going to be named Grace and funny that Dustin would have a dream the night before she was born that he was holding a baby girl named Grace.  He's pretty inspired like that.

I could not wait to call the girls and tell them IT'S A GIRL!  So probably 10 minutes after she was actually born we called to share.  Lincoln had to be reminded he got to have a toy if he didn't get a brother but then he was ok again.

Seriously.. so absolutely perfect!

The girls, my mom and dad, Grandma Carol and Grandma Bateman all came to visit as well as Aunt Johnna and Aunt Kylie and Mike and Farrah.  I made the girls wear the masks just in case they were still sick.  

Oh what a blessing this baby girl is already!!  We love her so much!! 

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