Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sick Baby Boy

Because of the medication Lincoln was on in the NICU he has had to have  series of hearing tests to make sure there is no hearing loss from those meds.  I took him in last week for his 10 month hearing check and he failed due to fluid on his ear drum.  I took him a couple hours later to the doctor and he had an ear infection in both ears.

He took amoxicillan and felt better for the first couple days.  However I noticed after a couple days that he was acting super clingy and sick again.  I took him back into the doctor to find out he now has RSV.  Poor kid, I am sure he is getting teeth too because along with hose turned on his nose he is drooling like nobody's business.  So I have spent the last few weeks doing not much other than hold a whiney, clingy baby.  I have to laugh because he even falls asleep holding onto me.  He won't sleep long if I get up and leave.  Makes me a quite crazy however I just love my baby and am so grateful I get to be a stay at home mom and be with my kids through all the good times and bad.

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