The weather has been out of the ordinary warm for February. We have had 40 and 50 degree temperatures the last week and it has been AMAZING! I love when the kids can go outside and play. I can already tell Lincoln cannot wait to join them.
We have taken at least 4 walks this week and we even went to the park for an hour. Lincoln went on the slide for his first time and thought it was wonderful. I love watching these babies experience things for the first time.
In light of trying to live more healthy we did lap around the track doing some jumping jacks and bunny hops. We also ran to the track one night and did lots of walking/jogging.
Molly realized how fun it is to climb the tree out front. She hasn't figured out how to get out of the tree yet though. :)
We put the baby gate up at the front door and let Lincoln sit and look outside watching the kids ride their bikes and such. He thinks it's pretty great.
We watched the girls doing some cool tricks - Alissa's one handed cartwheel was pretty impressive.
Love Molly's hair...
I can't help but think how lucky these girls are to have each other. They may fight often right now but I know they will be best friends one day. As they wrote in their journals today they filled in the blank - I love ____. Both of the little girls didn't hesitate and wrote, MY FAMILY. Ella's answer was pink, but that's ok too. I am grateful for these kids and my family.
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