Day #4 was Tuesday and we arranged with Dustin's mom to come stay with the girls while we got up at 5am and went to Crater Lake. Dustin has been trying to take me there for 10 years and there has always been a reason why I couldn't or wouldn't go with him. I couldn't think of a better time to go so we left camp by 5:30am with our packs and headed to the trail. We drove up Railroad Ridge on the four wheeler (about 45 minute drive) and at the top of the peak we hike down to the lake. This was the beginning of the hike about 7am.
We did a lot of sliding down the hill because most of the time we were on shale. It was quite exciting. I just tried not to think too much about how we were going to get back up.
The lake was beautiful! You could see fish all over the banks but not one of those things would bite my hook. Dustin ended up catching 2, but that seemed pathetic for all the fish we could see swimming in there.
We walked around the lake a little bit trying to find a place to have a picnic. We saw a few small waterfalls and tried to take our picture. :) Don't you love the sideways shot. I think I propped the camera with a stick that time.
I was so happy we made it. We fished, started a fire and had a picnic. It was pretty close to the perfect date. (If only I had a helicopter to get me back out. he he)
I did get to take pictures of lots of pretty wild flowers. Dustin was really patient with me. It gave me a good excuse to catch my breath on the way back up.
We seriously were mountain goats on this hike. Dustin was trying to follow a game trail, but for the most part - he made his own trail and I did my best to follow his feet. He found a stick for me which helped tons and I ended up picking up a second one for added support. This is what sort of trail he had me on most of the time.
Do you see a trail? Me either. This picture doesn't do it justice either. That bugger was steep!
But HALLELUIA!! I did 1 thing that day that scared me and I was/am so proud of myself.
We got back to camp a little later than we planned due to the slow hiker in the green shirt but all was well with the kids and Dustin's parents. We spent the rest of that day relaxing around camp. The kids danced and played in the sprinklers.
And in the back of Grandpa's truck
and Dustin did a little more fishing out back in the river.
Day #5 was the 4th and we packed up and headed for home.
I think this is how we all felt: super tired and dirty. But without a doubt it was a memorable and much needed trip. It was so good to get away and remind ourselves of our priorities. We can live without so much internet, tv, eating out and telephones. We can be much happier if we spend more time together and stay focused on the things that really matter. I'm so grateful we had this opportunity and as I have said a million times, I sure do love this little family of mine!
Can we go camping with you guys when we move back?