Poor kid! This was day 2 of the hives. Yes she was itching like crazy. She would watch the clock and remind me within the 10 minutes when it was time for more Benadryl. By afternoon we decided we'd better get into the doctor. Of course, that had to be the day our family doc was closed so we headed into Community Care to test our luck.
They had the same reaction as Dr. Baker did the last time she had hives. "That's impressive" They could tell by her fear of the last experience in having a shot that she really didn't want to go through that again so they were nice and gave her a steroid antibiotic.
They were smart in suggesting that maybe she was allergic to the weed spray we used the night before she broke out. She said she was outside with her dad while he was spraying and even got some on her hands which she immediatly came in and washed off. Maybe she breathed a little in??
Thankfully by evening she looked way better and had stopped itching. We have kept her on Children's Zyrtec and that seems to be keeping them down.
Poor kid even had them on her knees, hands and feet.
Now I guess we're on our way to see an Allergy specialist to see how we can prevent this from happening again.
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