Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Grand Canyon Adventures

Dustin along with 3 friends Mike Hansen (from our ward), Jed Peters and Eric ? from work have been planning the annual summer/spring hiking trip.  This year they chose from a magazine to hike the Grand Canyon.  They planned and shopped and exercised and packed and got ready to head out. 
I made Dustin weigh his pack before he left and it weighed in at 57 lbs!  I had to remind myself many times that he does this for fun.

They left Tuesday April 27th immediatly after work and came home Sunday night.  They drove to Utah that night and stayed with one of Mike's realtives.  The next day they drove through Zions National Park and saw some pretty scenery on their 1 mile hike around.

They arrived at the top of the Grand Canyon on Wednesday night and ate over a campfire which I am sure they enjoyed because they didn't get to have fires any other time on their hike. 

Slightly nervous, anxious, excited smiles.

My super cute hubby.

Dustin says they had no idea what was ahead of them.  It ended up being a really long, hard, super hot hike.  He said the first two days were the worst because they hiked through the heat of the day.  The last 2 days they got smart and woke up at 5 or 6am and then found a tree or rock to shelter them while they rested for the middle part of the day and then hiked again in the evening when it was less hot. 

He loves to do these crazy poses.  I won't tell you what they thought those rocks looked like.  And no, it's not a ripple in the water because that's what I guessed.

I am sure it was always exciting to see some water.  They showered in the waterfalls.

And played in the creek.

At last!  Sunday morning arrived and Dustin said Mike acted like it was Christmas morning.  He was up by 5 ready to hike out and get home. :)  I dare say I'd be the same way.

I'm glad they did it.  What an opportunity!  We were so glad to have them home though.  Maybe one day I can get Dustin to sit down and write out some details.

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