Thursday, May 17, 2012

Flowers = Good Thoughts

Tonight Ella shared with me a pretty bad thought she had.  It surprised me that her little mind would think of such a thing.  However, I understand we are all human and thoughts are a great way for Satan to gain control.  I remembered something I learned long ago.  I may have shared it before, but I felt like it was appropriate tonight.

"In a garden full of flowers, there is no room for weeds to grow."

I know this analogy works well with Ella because she LOVES flowers.  I remember as a youth having bad thoughts and learning that the only way to replace those thoughts (weeds) is to replace them with good thoughts (flowers).  Since learning this song in primary I have remembered it when a weed tries to sprout in my mind.

"Hum Your Favorite Hymn"
Children’s Songbook of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 152
1. If on occasion you have found
Your language is in question,
Or ugly thoughts come to your mind,
Then here’s a good suggestion.
Just hum your favorite hymn,
Sing out with vigor and vim,
And you will find it clears your mind.
Hum your favorite hymn.
2. Before you say an angry word,
Remember you’ll regret it,
For once it’s said the harm is done,
And some folks won’t forget it.
Words: Marilyn Price Adams, b. 1926. © 1978, 1989 IRI
Music: K. Newell Dayley, b. 1939. © 1978, 1989 IRI

For the next 3 days Ella's job is to memorize this song.  I know it will benefit her as it has me.  We talked about what a hymn is and what her favorite one was so that after repeating this song in her mind she could sing that one which is "I'm Trying to be like Jesus".    I am so grateful for the gospel.  I am so grateful for good parents who taught me truth and helped me build a solid foundation for life.  I am so grateful for good Primary and YW leaders who helped me.  What a blessing the gospel has been in my life.  It is the surest way to experience joy.

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