Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tooth Fairy

Ella lost her 6th tooth last night.  It still is no small feat to get her to pull that hanging tooth out of her mouth.  I told her she could do it or I would hold her down and do it for her.  So she asked if we could say a prayer to help her be brave.  To no suprise her faith in the Lord's help gave her all the bravery she needed to yank that thing out of there. 

Then her mind went crazy thinking of all these things she needed to do since the Tooth Fairy would be coming tonight.  She quickly got a cup filled with water to put the tooth in as she has done in the past so the Tooth Fairy could color the water the same color as her dress.  She put the cup in her Barbie house so she could say Hello to all the little figurines standing around in there right now.  And then she wrote a letter to the tooth fairy asking her to leave her a gift.

Here is what we found in the morning:
Ella's tooth was gone and the traditional 4 quarters were left in colored water.  If you ask me it's blue water, but Ella insists it's Indigo.  I think it makes the whole thing a little more magical.  Next to the cup of colored water was a small scroll looking thing and a leaf, pearly bead and pixie dust.  She was not disappointed.

The letter said:
Dear Ella, 
Thank you for your pearly white tooth.  It looks like you took great care of it and now I will be able to use it to help build our castle in my hometown.

I hope you will keep taking good care of all of your teeth and I will keep coming to collect them.

The gift I wanted to leave you tonight is some coins and a few things I was carrying in my pack. 

Next time I will bring you more things from Fairy Land.

The Tooth Fairy

Here is our toothless child before school this morning.

And just for fun, here is the note I wrote to my Tooth Fairy many years ago.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute. I want to do this with my kids. Your tooth fairy is so creative!
