Sunday, January 15, 2012

Best Friends Forever

I'm so happy these two can be best friends.  They still fight frequently, but they get over it pretty quickly.  I will send them to their room together until they can "figure it out" and they come out with their arms around each other to tell me what the solution is.  It makes my heart happy.

So today the girls wanted to walk home from church so because we are only about 2 blocks from the church I drove beside them while they ran home.  Once we were home I walked past their bedroom to see Ella helping Alissa unbutton the back of her dress.  Ella asks, "Alissa, do you drink alcohol?"  Alissa says, "no."  Ella confirms, "Well, that's why you can run so fast."  I'm happy that she is learning the Word of Wisdom and in turn teaching it to Alissa.  Even though I'm pretty sure neither of them know what alcohol is.  At least they know to avoid it right?

Later on today I was taking a nap with Molly and Dustin had just left for a meeting when I hear Alissa pounding on her bedroom door with a toy.  Ella came running and started yelling so loud for her to quit pounding on the door.  I got upset because they were waking Molly up and I was SO tired too!  I told them they needed to go in their room and be quiet.  About 15-20 minutes later Dustin gets home from his meeting and says the girls are outside.  I have never had to worry about them going outside without asking before and hadn't heard them go out.  They had their boots and coats on and Ella was packing a backpack.  When they got inside we talked to them about making sure mom or dad knew before they go outside.  Then I sat and talked to Ella as she unpacked her backpack.  She had a baggie of fruit loops, peanuts, pretzels that she made herself and 2 bananas.  She packed a bag of crayons, a coloring book and a bunch of puppets.  I asked her what she was doing and she said, "We were doing what my friend did."

So a few months back her little friend "ran away" to our house.  She packed her school backpack and put some pajamas and a stuffed animal in it.  Apparently that made quite an impression on Ella.  After getting upset with her she thought that would be a better choice I guess.  It made me laugh only a little because it was pretty cute what she packed, but made me more sad than anything else.  Later in the evening I asked, "Did you really want to run away?"  She said, "I can't quit thinking about that.  We are a family forever.  I don't want to run away."  I was happy to hear it.

Ella came upstairs the other day after playing downstairs with Alissa and announces, "Alissa knows the 2nd Article of Faith!"  Ella had been saying it to her and having her repeat it as she said it and was so proud they finally made it through the whole thing with Alissa repeating.

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