Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Happy Birthday Alissa!

Sadly Alissa was sick with Influenza B for her birthday party this year.  We were grateful she felt better on Saturday to go sledding with her friend Lia.  We took them up by Kelly Canyon to the tube run and it was a hit!  They had so much fun sledding!!

I pulled Gracie around on the tube and she had just a fantastic time chilling in the tube and watching the kids.  When the kids are happy, mom is happy. 

She was able to have her friends over for a late night the upcoming week.  They did face masks, fingernails, decorated cupcakes and ate her favorite meal of chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes & corn.

Kennedee, Ashlynn, Alissa & Hadlie - what a group of crazy girls!

Alissa is an amazing daughter.  She has so many gifts and talents and does pretty well to act on them.  She is so organized and has a calendar on her mirror she writes on every evening, has all her clothes neatly folded in her drawers and organized by color or pattern.  She is a great friend and does well to get along with a lot of kids.  

She does still struggle a bit with being slow, but is making huge improvements on speeding it up which is a BLESSING!!  She is also super stubborn which can certainly be a blessing and a curse.  

She is always my go to girl anytime I need something done I know I can ask her and she will agree.  I know I can trust her to get it done too.  She does so well to help me with her younger siblings and takes good care of them.

She is smart and has straight A grades.  Doesn't struggle with much of anything besides a lack of desire to read but she will still make sure she hits those reading goals.  I love her determination.  She is still part of the GATE program (gifted and talented) and goes every Monday.  

Right now she is in gymnastics and is starting volleyball.  She told me she doesn't like to be involved in too many things becuase she needs to leave time for play dates. :)  Love this girl so much and am so thankful she's a part of our family!

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