Ella and her friend Dani recently took first place at the Regional National History Day competition that the decided to do for fun a few months back. This qualified them to go to Boise and compete on a state level. They made a complete new poster and stepped up their game for this. Dani's parents bought this kit to build a house to represent Frank Steunenberg's house as a display. It took us HOURS to put together painting and gluing each piece on.
Finally when it was said and done we headed for Boise. Ella rode with Dani on the way there and had a good experience spending time with her and her mom. We met up for dinner and went to the Capitol to see the statute of Frank Steunenberg that we had never paid much attention to. The girls LOVED it!
So great to have such a fun friend!
First thing Saturday morning they checked in and set up their project. They were pretty proud of themselves and feeling quite nervous about presenting their project.
This is my personal favorite part of this is that she got to stand and be interviewed for 15 minutes and asked any question the judges felt inclined to ask. So good for her confidence.
The anticipation of the award ceremony dwindled as we waited for over half hour for it to start. I got a little crazy trying to handle the little kids waiting for that long. However we survived!
They were awarded 2nd place in their category! Good job girls!!
This was their prize! A 2 headed cow! Made us laugh pretty hard. Ella was emotional by the time the whole thing got over. She was just so tired, hungry and probably emotionally/mentally exhausted. We stayed with cousins the night before and didn't go to bed until after midnight and were up by 7 so poor kids were all pretty wasted.
We stopped and got an ice cream because goodness it just makes things better.
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