For the past 13 months or so I have been losing a lot of hair. Every time I brush it there is hair everywhere and a handful I pull out from the ends. I finally decided it was time to go have a physical and have my thyroid checked. When the PA was examining me she noticed my thyroid was enlarged. She did a quick blood draw which showed no abnormal results and decided I should probably have an ultra sound to be sure there was no problems.
The ultra sound tech did no talking and I noticed her measuring a lump of some sort. I didn't ask questions and because she did volunteer anything I just decided to dismiss what I was seeing because I really had no idea what it was I was looking at and don't like to worry myself.
That evening I was surprised when I had a phone call from the doctors office saying there were multiple solid nodules in my thyroid and I needed a biopsy the next day. Of course I started to worry. Nobody wants to hear they have masses that need to be biopsied. As I stressed most of the evening the words of a blessing I had just a little less than 2 weeks ago from my dad came to my mind that I would be blessed with good health. This immediately brought peace to my mind and prompted another thought. "You will receive happiness because of the physical aspects of your body" some words which are written in my patriarchal blessing. Again I felt peace that it would be ok.
Dustin thankfully decided he should be home with me and took the day off work. His mom was diagnosed 4 days ago with shingles and today was our day to check in on her so I got up this morning and went to her house to check on her. As I was getting out of the car from coming home it was as though I got a charley horse around my rib cage. I could hardly move or breathe. After about 15 minutes or so it let up an I decided to call the chiropractor to see if there was any chance they could get me in. Surprisingly they had an opening in about an hour and thankfully babysitters just seemed to work out. Dustin and I went there first and as we were waiting one of my neighbors which lived across the street from me growing up started talking and she had a thyroid biopsy just a few weeks ago and made sure I knew it was no big deal. It eased my mind just that much more. I felt such confirmation that the Lord is aware of ME. He sure does know our circumstances and I am so thankful He loves me and sends friends and others to look after me when I am down. I was able to feel pretty calm most of the day. They numbed the area and took samples from 6 different needles out of the largest mass which ended up being about 1" big. Much bigger than I anticipated it being. We will know within 72 hours what it is and whether it is cancerous or not.
My friend Farrah had the kids part of the day and made me dinner, mom kept the kids the other half of the day and cleaned my house, my visiting teacher came by, my sister came by with a new movie for us to watch and Mike and Farrah took the kids tonight for an hour or two while Dustin was helping his mom. Honestly, our lives our so good. We have been blessed with amazing people surrounding us to buoy us up. I am confident things will be ok. I am reminded how important it is to take good care of these bodies we live in and not take good health for granted. I am so blessed to be a healthy mom and wife and be able to do active things with my family. I pray that I can continue to do these things and to remember to take better care of my body.
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