Wednesday, July 1, 2015


I have a bunch of random pictures on my phone that pretty well summarize what we've been up to in our spare minutes.

Ella had a great idea one night to ride bikes with Sage to 4 corners of our block and sit and ready 7 verses of scriptures each.  I went to check on them and sure enough, Sage was reading and Ella was taking notes.  What good girls.

Lincoln got his first pedicure out back and seemed to think it was pretty great soaking his feet and getting them rubbed.

Another day I peeked outside to see this kindness.  I love it when they are nice to each other!!

And how am I missing out on this??

Heat + Fun + Water = sleepy babies & happy moms

One day I found Molly had brought the swimming pool in and fell asleep on it downstairs.  Works for me!

I asked Ella to lay by Lincoln to put him to sleep one night.  Found this sweetness..

The girls did a few art projects including celery painting

Neighbor kids playing whenever possible.  Squished faces on the windows that I clean for who knows what reason.

The girls have been doing random chores to earn snow cone money this summer and Ella asked if they could do a lemonade stand.  We had no cups so she opted for a nail painting stand.  She even sold one of the fingernail polishes to make an extra few cents.  

Lincoln got his first.. and second.. dress up put on him this month.  He wasn't a fan and neither was his dad!

Lincoln is starting to climb everything!  He pulled a kitchen chair on him trying to climb the back of it.  He is getting more brave on the stairs too which is always a little scary.

We have been getting ready for a Luau for my nephew, Russell so we have had multiple practices for the girls learning Poi ball and the moms learning Hula. Ella got a little heat exhaustion one day. 

The school does free breakfast and lunch through the month of June.  We catch it whenever possible.  Fun for the kids and saves me money and mess so I love it. 

Dustin and I got to squeeze in a trip to the temple in Rexburg since the Idaho Falls temple is being renovated.  We did a babysitting swap with some friends who also have 4 kids so it worked out just great.  It was nice to get there since it had been almost 5 months since we went last. 

Aside from all that we have made multiple trips swimming to Ammon Pool and multiple trips to the public library for their summer reading program.  We planted a garden which is double the size of years past and I will save that for another post, but it consumes some good amount of time trying to keep it unburied from all the weeds growing.  I sure love summer and the energy the sunshine gives me!!  Love these kids and the time we get to spend together!

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