Monday, April 6, 2015


To celebrate Easter this year we colored Easter eggs with Hansens again.  Lincoln thought it was great to pound the egg and take a bite.

Or maybe not so great..

The two little girls loved coloring the eggs however I noticed Ella lost interested after 1 or 2 this year.  Is she getting too old to color eggs?  I better make it a little more exciting for her next year.

Love those Hansens!

Easter Bunny usually comes Saturday but this year when we went downstairs to watch conference on Sunday we noticed he had hidden a bunch of candy filled eggs and Easter baskets for the kids.

Lincoln was hilarious as he blitzed around (toddler style) trying to grab any dropped candies from the girls.  You could always tell when he got something because he started to dance and colored drool started down his chin.  :)

Monday we got to have our annual egg hunt at my parents house.  
All the kids are prepped and ready to go.

Molly was a super fast egg finder this year.  I should have taken her to a community egg hunt she would have scored big.  

Kaitlynn & Dustin found the golden eggs.  We got a pizza certificate in ours and I think Kaitlynn got some money.

Everybody was pleased with their findings.

It was a little chilly for the babies, but they didn't seem to mind much.

It truly is a blessing ot live by our family and be able to make such fun memories together.  Every year since the passing of my father in law Easter does mean a little more than it has before.  I am so grateful for the Savior and his life and teachings.  Thankful for the resurrection and the belief that we will one day be resurrected and be able to life with our family forever.  I wouldn't want to even dream being without them.  What a blessing to have the gospel.  

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