Tuesday, January 20, 2015


My sister in law Johnna and her son Aaron share a birthday with Alissa.  This year she was celebrating 50 years and we were able to celebrate with her.

She is one of my favorite sister in laws.  The kind that you say "I love you" to when you hang up the phone or leave her house.  I think that's pretty rare.  She is like a 2nd mom to Dustin because her oldest son is less than a year younger than him and he grew up doing most everything with her 4 boys.  Molly now calls her grandma.  Not because we taught her that, but she just observed that her relationship with her is like that.  Hugs, kisses, snuggles, treats & gifts.  Sounds about right.

27 years or so ago she was diagnosed with a rare hepatitis from a bad blood transfusion and was told she had only a few years left to live.    She has had a liver transplant, a kidney transplant, way too many to number hospital stays, and lots of surgeries.  I am so grateful she is a fighter.  So grateful to celebrate her 50th birthday!  I just love her and am thankful to have her in my life.

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