Tuesday, November 4, 2014


We had another successful Halloween.  :)  For Achievement Days we had the 9 year old girls put on a carnival for their younger siblings.  Each girl was in charge of their own booth and Ella's booth was the photo booth.  She did a great job taking pictures of everybody.  I got a picture of the activity day girls toward the end.  They were pretending to eat Ella.

Every year the school puts on a costume parade.  We went and watched both girls parade around the school in their cute costumes.

Every year we just have the kids borrow a dress up from grandma or find one in our box of costumes but this year we got creative with Ella's costume.  With an old pillow, a cheap Tshirt and some spray paint and adhesive she became Cotton Candy!  She got lots of attention and compliments on her costume.  Everybody loved it.

Alissa and Molly were witches.

And Lincoln was a Tiger.

I love my annual picture of the kids on the step in their costume.  They are so cute! 

I happened to glance outside and see Miss Cotton Candy catching a ride in the neighbor boy's wagon.  I laughed so hard and had to catch a picture.  

Even dad dressed up for us this year.  I have had this Caesar costume in the box for years and finally he put it on.  

THE LOOT!  I'm pretty sure they got enough candy.  

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. It's been sooo long since I have looked on any blogs. It was fun catching up with the Braithwaite Family blog! I hope we can see you guys when we head to Idaho next weekend.
