Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day Part 2

Monday we hooked up with Hansens and went up by Heise to go fishing.  The wind was blowing and it was so hot (almost 90 degrees!)  pretty unusual weather for Memorial Day.  Molly wanted Kaiden to ride with us.  She thinks he's pretty great!  She loves that he can handle her wrestling and pinching and pulling his hair.  Glad he's smiling. :)

We found this little spot that was shallow for the kids and deep right off the edge for the men to fish.  Farrah and I set up our lawn chairs, soaked in some sun, stayed cool with our feet in the water and watched the kids.  It was awesome!

The kids had a great time which means we had a great time!

The boys didn't catch any fish, but they got to eat a bunch of yummy treats while they watched the kids.  I think it's kinda funny they set up in the shade and we were in the sunshine. :)

Before we left Ella got to shoot her new BB gun she got for her birthday.  Her dad had her in tears with all the technicalities of it so I had to run over and help her pull the trigger in 30 seconds instead of focusing on making it perfect.  As long as we're being safe, the details will come later.   Funny how Dustin and I compliment each other in that way.  He is such perfection and I am such a "get it done" not perfectionist.  :)  Sometimes we make each other crazy, but for the most part I appreciate it about him.

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