Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lincolns First Week Home

Baby Lincoln has officially been home for a week and 3 days.  We took him to his weight check the Monday he got home and he had gained a few ounces and was up to 7lb 2oz in a matter of less than 2 days.  We took him again this Monday and he had gained 12.5 oz!!  Crazy how quickly they grow.  He had his circumcision on Monday which was a whole new experience for me.  I was nervous taking him in and nearly passed out changing his first diaper.  Thankfully my mom was there to take over while I pale faced sat down with my head down.  It just hurts my heart to see him hurting.

He had a pretty enjoyable week gaining weight though. :)  His sisters have loved him NONSTOP!  Ella snuggled him while watching a movie one night.  She does such a good job holding him and helping me when I am holding him.

I have pumped a lot and fed him bottles because he is so much quicker and more efficient with a bottle in my opinion. I am probably delusional about that, but whatever makes me feel better I guess. And besides the kids always enjoy a chance to feed their baby brother.

He has been a pretty amazing sleeper.   They advised me to wake him to eat every 4 hours if he hasn't woke by then to avoid his blood sugar dropping.  I am pretty sure he would already do more than a 4 hour stretch if I didn't have to wake him.  He's a good little sleeper and doesn't generally keep me up too long in the night and only about twice.  Pretty ideal for a newborn in my opinion.  Truly a tender mercy to help me care for the other kids I have.

We sure feel blessed to have this little guy.  Molly always comments that she loves him and he loves her and he's just so cute and I'm so glad we have baby Lincoln.  It makes my heart happy that all my girls have embraced him like I hoped they would.  Makes being the mama pretty pleasant.  I sure do love all these babies.  Feeling blessed every single day for such miracles in our lives.

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