Sunday, April 27, 2014

Funny Molly

Did you know Lincoln is in my heart and I am in his heart?

Mom, do you kiss dad?
What?  You're in true love?!

That boy is looking at me and he wants to marry me.

Getting Out of the House - Fall Creek

For the past few weeks we have done a whole lot of playing with friends and VERY little leaving the house.  This little cutie was heading out to a friend outing in the rain.  She was very well prepared. :)

I took a few minutes to breath some fresh air and take a few pictures like I love to do every spring.  I have been so intrigued with these baby leaves this year starting to grow.  

And Ella's bleeding heart bush that is bloomed so beautifully. 

This tulip makes me think it's crying. 

Anyway, after writing the bucket list a few days ago here on the blog I got really anxious to get out and start making some memories!  Dustin watched me encourage the kids all morning on Saturday to get their chores done.  Molly and Alissa had their first tutorial on cleaning bathrooms. :)  I guess he decided we needed a break cause he said, "lets go somewhere!"  That's all it took before I had a picnic packed and the kids all revved up to go.

He drove us to Fall Creek to see the waterfall.  The kids loved it!   

Dustin decided he was going to teach the girls how to build a fire.  I think he may have taught them SOMETHING about building a fire, but certainly didn't have the attention span to learn how to build a fire.  :)  Good thing he is the Scoutmaster so he can play every month and teach boys how to build fires.

Molly was obsessed with the mud puddles (I can't blame her!) so good thing she wore rubber boots.  

Our good daddy.  Molly took this picture and I love it!  I saw this Superman hat in Target a while back and gave it to him for Easter.  I couldn't resist it.  He is our Superman!  The girls always ask him, "Dad will you show us how you can jump clear into the sky?"  They believe all things are possible with this daddy of theirs and they are.

His camping buddy in her skirt.  She seems like she is going to be our camper/hiker/fisher girl though.  She loved it and stayed by him most of the time.  Mostly talking. :)

Ella making some mud soup. 

Dad finally got the fire going in the rain and we roasted some hot dogs.  We always bring extra cause without fail a few get wasted.  Good thing hot dogs make kids so happy cause we think they are pretty gross. :)  I roasted a bunch of cheese sticks.

More playing in the mud.  Check out those feet. 

And hands...  ooops

Alissa still hanging with her dad. 

Just so we can know where Lincoln was.  He is in that black wrap snuggling with mama.  He stayed warm, dry and away from the smoke.  I think he pretty much loved every second of it until 3 hours hit and he realized his stomach was empty.  Then we hung out in the car for a while with the heater on. :) 

I just put a filter on this picture - look at those blue eyes.  I took this with my phone as she was staring in at me feeding Lincoln.  She is such a pretty girl!
So thankful for my little family and for good ol' Idaho that we can hop in the car and drive 30 minutes or so and be in the mountains alone together.  This is certainly one thing I have learned to love about my husband.  Spontaneous family outings.  I think everybody left happier and I certainly did - family time is the best!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Summer Bucket List

Alissa and I were talking tonight and I realized she didn't remember ever going to the zoo.   I looked up on the blog the last time we went to the zoo and it was summer 2012.  I also found we had made a summer bucket list and did so many fun things so I am going to copy that list and try to do a bunch of these things again and cross off as we go.  Now this makes me excited for summer!!

Visit Grandma & Grandpa Wheeler in Utah
The Zoo
Read a few books together
Go Bowling
Go Fishing
Finger Painting
Make Popcicles
Treasure Hunt
Go to the pet store
Blast Off
Drive in Movie - home made or actual
Splash Park & Carousel
A hike with dad
BBQ with friends
Temple Visitors Center
Play Tball
Service Project
Make snow cones
Lemonade Stand
Ride Fourwheelers
Make home made pizza
Fly Kites
Try to dutch oven cook something
Have a backyard fire with smores
Fly Kites
Go Camping
Bug Collection
Paper Airplanes or Oragami
Play Dough
Bike Ride
Make a craft
Cousin Sleepover (or cousin camp if I can handle it)
Slip N Slide
Play with friends ALL day
Fruit Loop necklace
See a waterfall (mesa, Shoshone, or something else)
Pjs all day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

FHE on the baseball field

We signed the 2 little girls up for Tball starting in June.  It will be their first time playing so Dustin decided to go get a bat, tee and mitt so they could learn and practice.  

For FHE on Monday night we went over to Bonneville so they could learn.  They had a great time!

Dustin shakes his head at Molly kicking her shoes off at 2nd base because she can run faster in bare feet and "the dirt is soft!"  And of course they used the platform behind home base as a little dancing stage while waiting for dad to get it together.

I think Alissa is most excited.

Ella and Molly were happy to be along for the ride. 

And Mr. Lincoln and I snuggled in the blanket and then went to the car.  Here is the accidental flash picture. 

And the not flash picture. :)  ha!  oops 

Easter Celebrations

We did our annual dinner & Easter egg coloring at our house this year with the Hansen Family.  The kids colored 5 dozen eggs again.  Nothing too creative or spectacular this year but still lots of fun together.

Dustin had a campout Friday night so the girls and I all did matching toe nails. :) 

Saturday we did our annual Easter celebrations at my parents house.  We met at Hong Kong for lunch and then went to mom and dads for moms egg hunt.  Here she is explaining the rules again to all the kids.

The 3 little girls went first - 10 eggs, 4 prizes. 

Next was the 4 bigger girls.  11 eggs - 4 prizes.  

And then the really big kids.  We each found 10 eggs and a bag of candy.  Sad Dustin missed it all this year but we left the eggs for him to find when he got there.

My cute brother and sister in law with her prego belly.  Heidi is looking about the same right now.  :)  Can't wait for the other 2 baby boys to get here and play with Lincoln.

My good mom & dad.  They are always so good to us.

I packed Lincoln around all weekend in this pouch to avoid any kid contact. (and adult contact for that matter)  I just want to keep him safe from germs!

The 4 older girls got a kite as a prize and Jeremy was keeping it flying with his foot while everybody was kicked back visiting.

I didn't prepare any special outfits for the girls but had these newer matching dresses we got at Costco and just had them wear them.  They were cute as pie.  We even clipped Lincoln's little tie on his only solid colored onsie. :)  Sure do love these babies!

The girls are not quite as obsessed with holding him, but still ask about 10 times a day.  Molly especially just has to kiss him on the head.  She would kiss my belly on a daily basis too.  She just loves her baby brother.

And the only picture I could get.. sad my 3 year old took it and cut my head off.  I wanted one with all the family, but we just didn't have enough time. 

Dad and the baby boy.  :)  Love it! 

We went to the cemetery before church to take so me tulips and daffodils to grandpa David's grave.  Easter has certainly become more personal to us in the last few years.  So grateful for the Savior and his life, atonement and resurrection.  We are so blessed with this knowledge and testimony.  

I just went to sacrament again with Lincoln and snuck out (and took a nap and avoided germs) while the rest of the family stayed at church.

After church we headed go grandma Carol's house for dinner and more egg hunting.  Uncle Devin is the most excited about this every year.  His kids are all grown and grandkids don't live here so he has fun playing with the kids.  He sneaks the eggs out of their bucket when they are not looking and re hides them so the hunt lasts a really long time.

Apparently Ella thought there was a bunch up in this tree. :)

The pink egg in the tree is an empty one Dustin re hid.  They were fighting over who got it and Ella got a little pushy with the boys.  She ended up getting it down but it landed it somebody else's bucket.  Pretty funny to watch these kids.  We are so blessed to live by all this family that we can get together and make memories with each holiday.  So thankful!!