Thursday, January 23, 2014

True Blessings

This is my new motto.  I have been trying to tell myself this multiple times a day while I accustom myself to the new life style of doing "less".  I have eliminated and decreased so many of the "good" things in my life to allow for the better and best things to dominate.  Since making this decision at the middle/end of December the Spirit has confirmed to my heart and soul so many times that this is good and right.  I have been so thankful.

When I think back at the past few months of chaos I am reminded of the many warnings I was given through dreams and thoughts that things were becoming too much.  As the busyness piled up guilt set in because with being pregnant I was unable to handle as much of the load without being tired.  This is another quote I found in my journal from the past few months.   "Guilt is to our spirit as pain is to our body." David Bednar

It hit the situation square on the head.  Guilt overtook me and I became ill.  It wasn't until I counseled with my good husband, the Bishop, my dad and some friends that I talked myself into realizing that I had too big of a load and no need to be feeling guilty.  I am doing exactly what Heavenly Fathers wants me to do be doing by staying home with 3 beautiful daughters and carrying this sweet baby boy.  The bishop reassured me that my calling can be slacking, but my home cannot and that is where my focus needed to be.  And that things would only be this hard for a season and then I will be able to handle more again later.  Such good advice.

On my last day of doing hair, I had a message from my visiting teacher saying she was bringing me dinner and just wanted to know if she should cook it first or bring it over early for me to bake.  My mom also volunteered to bring dinner and a friend showed up with a bag full of treats.  She said she felt inspired to bring some after school snacks.  I felt so overwhelmed with gratitude.  Dustin came home and asked, "Did somebody call compassionate service on us?"  He then pointed out that this was the comforting answer I was seeking that this was the right choice.  Today needed to be the last day.  Whew..

So all things pushed aside I now have a pretty darn open calendar and time to play Go Fish and patiently remind the kids that they cannot have juice in their bedroom and that shoes need to go in the basket when they take them off.  :)  I have been remembering to say morning prayers and having much more meaningful thoughts and prayers.  I love it!  I feel like my kids have been responding so much better to  me, I am more patient and my husband even smiles at me more.  I'm pretty sure that he is just smiling back at me.

So as a 28 week pregnancy update, I am doing fantastic!  Growing horizontally by leaps and bounds at this point and feeling every little move this little man makes (which is a mega load).  So excited to get him here and see the girls with their new baby brother.  I am so blessed!

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