Monday, May 20, 2013

Alissa Joy School Graduation

Last Thursday night we celebrated the end of Joy School. 
It was fun to look at before and after pictures of the kids.  September to May.
They just look older.
They got to be such good friends.
Alissa has just a tiny crush on the boy in the blue.  I pretend like I don't know cause I really don't want to encourage her. :) 
We celebrated by having all the kids come to our house that night and I had made them all little graduation hats.  They sat in their chairs on our "stage" downstairs and introduced themselves and said their favorite color in the microphone.
Then sang their days of the week, months of the year and abc songs.  I had them memorize a little poem called "Summer's Here" which they stood and repeated and then they all got to talk in the microphone again and say their favorite thing they did in preschool.  They did so great!
Summers here, another year of school is at an end.
We've grown a lot, and learned a lot and made a lot of friends.
We'll say goodbye now summer's here it's time for us to part,
But we'll remember all our friends and keep them in our heart.
After the kids performed for the parents we showed a 10 minute movie of pictures throughout the year including our field trips, class parties and just normal days of school.    So much fun!  We were so proud of Alissa for talking in the microphone in front of everybody, it's a big step for her!  Also happy that she repeated the poem and songs with everybody because she WILL NOT repeat them for me. 

Love this girl!

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