I have been in the doctors office at least 4 times in the last month Molly has had UTI, Croop, Ear Infection and Alissa had a basic well visit. I am so fortunate that the doctors office rarely takes more than 5-10 minutes before they are ready to see you and they have a giant fish tank in every room for the kids to sit and admire or if you are Molly then you lick it. (I have to have humor in these things or I will make myself CRAZY!)
I was just thinking today, this mothering stuff is a lot tougher than I ever imagined. I always dreamed of being this calm mom who took all this time to help her kids learn and know they are loved and they would be involved in activities and always look nice. With each kid I have become more an more lenient and let my kids wear unmatching clothes or 15 ponytails if that makes them happy. I all too often have a messy house because I took time to blog instead of clean and I didn't realize that activities cost a minimum of $40 a month!!
Well, whatever right? All I can do it try my best and pray for help. :)
So I was thinking again (too much thinking I know) about how it seemed like we were often sitting in the doctors office growing up. 4 kids and my mom. I can almost remember what it smelled like. Without fail my little brother would pass gas and my mom would be so embarrassed when the doctor walked because the air was thick with stink. All of us would try to sneak into the doctors drawers to see what treasures we might mess with or maybe we were just trying to get a reaction out of mom? These were the days of no Ipad or other cool electronic devices you would entertain your kid with like I find myself doing. She would dig in her purse and find fingernail clippers or some other small item and turn into Magician Mom. Somehow she could make those crazy clippers disappear and reappear in our pockets, ears, you name it! She was good and we loved it! Oh, good mom. I'm sure she was praying the doctor would walk in any moment as she tried to contain and entertain these 4 kids and at least 1 being sick.
What a fun memory.
I also am a little sentimental that my kids doctor is the son of my doctor growing up. I'm going to take a picture of that good man. He sure is great!
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