Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Festivities

About 5 years back when it was just Ella, we made it to every festivity including grocery store Trick or Treating and Library parade, the mall, Trunk or Treat and anything else going on.  It seems like 3 kids makes things a little more complicated than it was 5 years ago. :)  Dressing up 3 times each was more than plenty for me and we declined multiple offers to dress up and party more.  Bah Humbug?  I guess.
For family home evening we made leaf pictures.  Some were leaf rubbings and some were characters made of actual leaves.  Sadly I threw away mine and Dustins before I got a picture of all of them.  It was a fun time together.  We had them hanging in the house for a few weeks before I decided to say goodbye.
For Joy School at our house this month we did handprint ghosts.  Also had those hanging.
The kids got to dress up for Joy School and have a little party at the Armbristers.
They even got to make little pumpkin people.  Alissa loved it!
We painted pumpkins multiple times.  Thank goodness for washable paint.  It is a "must have" in our home. 

We went to watch Ella in her school's Halloween carnival.  She was a Princess.

Of course the kids got to do Trick or Treating.  We went door to door for about 45 minutes and then visited grandparents. 

Alissa made sure she told people she was just helping her little sister Molly. :)  Cracks me up because Molly is just a little bigger than her now.  Tad bit shorter, but bigger.

Molly thought she was in HEAVEN with this Trick or Treating stuff.  She couldn't believe she just had to knock, hold out her bucket and says Trick or Treat and somebody would give her candy!!

One of Ella's BFFs Brennady Jensen.

Whew.. I was tired.  Glad to say goodbye to Halloween for a year. :)

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