Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chicken Soup to my Soul

This is Chicken Soup to my soul...

Dustin gave the girls and I "back to school" blessings the other night.  A tradition we started with our little family a year or so ago.  He started with Ella, then Alissa and then without being told to do so Molly waddles her way over to the chair where Dustin lifted her up.  She quietly sat down and with a big smile, folded her arms.  It was precious!!  I had her sit down on the chair and fold her arms this morning before church so I could get a picture of how cute she looks.  

Alissa was showing her what to do.  Within the last month Alissa started saying her own prayers and as the days go on she adds more and more to her prayers all by herself.  I can tell it just makes Ella so happy when she hears her sister pray for her.  She likes to put her head down so it sometimes is hard to hear her.  She makes sure to tell me every time, "I will say it loud ok?"  I guess I bug her about it too much.  This girl is so sweet.  It just does my heart good to have her so anxious to pray and hear her sweet prayer to Heavenly Father. 

A year ago I taught a YW lesson on gratitude and made these little gratitude booklets for the girls as a handout.  I had an extra one and gave it to Ella to keep in her scripture bag.  She handed it to me a few months ago and had filled up every page.  This girl never ceases to amaze me. 

Some were duplicated but what she thought to put in it is so very sweet.

I don't know how better to explain it than Chicken Soup to my soul.  It nourishes me and warms me to watch these girls gain a testimony of the gospel and learn to love the things we love as their parents.  I am so grateful to have these sweet girls in my home and in my life. 
They are precious daughters of Heavenly Father and I love them so very much!!

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