Sunday, September 27, 2020
Cave Falls
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Iron Bog Camping
Friday, September 11, 2020
First day of School 2020-2021
Time is absolutely flying by. It seems I am caught up and then another 3 months have passed since I have updated my family's journal. With COVID-19 causing such commotion right now it's all I can do to just guard and protect my family. We are trying to keep everybody feeling safe and happy and productive.
About a month and half ago District 93 put our school's plan out. It was basically this:
Stage 1 - Everybody goes to school Tuesday-Friday except the elementary who also goes every 2nd and 4th Monday. Jr High and High School will do online instruction on Monday.
Stage 2 - Depending on your last name (A-M) you will go 3 days a week.
Stage 3 - Depending on your last name (even smaller margin A-D) you will go 2 days a week.
Stage 4 - Everybody stays home.
Not to mention when somebody gets COVID from the school we shut down for 48-72 hours while we notify all who were around that person so they can quarantine for 2 weeks as well as sanitize the school. If somebody from their family gets COVID they quarantine for 2 weeks PLUS 2 more weeks to make sure they don't show symptoms after their family member is better. If they get any illness of any kind they must stay home 48 hours after their last symptom is gone.
Thankfully they pretty much merged Stage 1 and 2 now that school is actually is session which is good and the margin for Stage 3 is bigger. They also increased the amount of cases they will allow for each stage.
It felt so overwhelming to me, not trying to avoid Corona, but the inconsistent schedule for my poor little kids. I was driving down the street one day listening to a Come Follow Me program about faith and the story went like this: A guy was looking over a 100 ft cliff. He fell and as he fell he prayed to be saved. He was caught on a branch 50 ft down. He was thankful but now could fall 50 feet to the jagged rocks or try to climb the 50 ft cliff back up. He was pretty much doomed. So he prayed again and heard God say, "Do you believe
I can save you?" Of course, he says, "Yes!" So God says do you believe I can send a wind so strong it will blow you to the top of this cliff?" Again, desperate to be saved he says, "yes!" So God says, "Then let go." Oddly the message to me was clear. I needed to trust the Lord would help provide a way and I needed to homeschool my kids. I needed to let go of all my insecurities and lacking and let the Lord carry me. So I researched and visited with people and called teachers and principals and homeschool moms and friends and fasted and prayed and had a blessing and still, my answer was yes you can do this.
So here we are 3 weeks into homeschool and I am happy about my decision. I am happy not because I feel like it's so easy and peachy every day or any day for that matter but it feels good to follow the promptings of the Spirit and guess what.. the Lord has provided a way. We are doing it and we are doing just fine. My kids are amazing and I feel so incredibly blessed to be home with them.
Ella is at the high school. She goes each day because I didn't feel any promptings to keep her home and neither did she. I let her choose. She is involved in the advanced choir, student council and honors classes and I didn't want to take that amazing opportunity from her. She does well doing her work online when she is asked to do it. We are so blessed for that. It made my heart sad to think I would be meeting with these kids but not her, but I try to focus on the growth she is getting from all the opportunities at school.
So here we are.. 2020-2021 first day of school. Feeling happy and blessed by Heavenly Father for our bounteous blessings but most especially for our knowledge and testimony of the gospel that helps to guide and direct us through this crazy world AND for FAMILY!! ♥ ♥