Thursday, February 28, 2019

February Fog

Lets just start this month summary with this:

Here is the recap:  Kourtney got baptized.  I went to the baptism with everybody but couldn't bare the thought of all the spring time germs.  I even took a picture of the donation I was giving the school as my paranoia was that bad.  They had schools closing down on a regular basis this winter for an outbreak of influenza.  I had to protect my baby.

But the rest of them went to cheer for Kourtney at her lunch and give her big hugs.

Sure love these sweet cousins! 
We loved and admired and ooh and aahed at baby Grace way too much.  We love her so!  Dad was playing Lion King with her. 
Mom & Dad stopped by to get the kids to go to Kiwi Loco and I decided I could probably get out too (cause I was a complete hermit) and went with them.  It was nice to get out of the house for a minute and be with good company. 
Lincoln in Molly's cute unicorn pajamas. 
Some cute baby lovin'.  I am so extremely blessed to be a stay at home mom.  I just am so thankful! 
Lincoln came to me with a bandaid on his lip cause he said he had an owie.  I was laughing and had to take a picture of it.  I think the owie was much worse taking the bandaid off. 
Dad teaching Lincoln how to shave with his fake razor.  He was certainly not a fan of the shaving cream.  It grossed him out and I don't think he will be shaving again until he absolutely has to.

Lots of clay animals being made 

Lincoln was trying to wean himself from touching my neck to fall asleep.  For the past 5 years he rubs and touches my neck and sit soothes him and makes me nuts.  So I was feeling triumphant (and slightly over stimulated)  having put my two babies to sleep.

Poor Molly had two teeth pulled and they were monsters!! 

Sweet Valentines boxes.  I love them and how creative the girls get in making them.  They turned out so cute. 

More soaking in our sweet baby Grace.  She's so precious. 

Ella got braces!!  She has a bad bite and is wearing her top teeth right down.  Isn't she cute with them though? 

Same day, Molly got a spacer to keep her teeth from moving into the spaces from the teeth she had pulled earlier in the month.

Just a little more baby Grace and that cute smile! 

Lincoln may have watched me pump a few times.  oops..  His dad wasn't too impressed. 

5 kids!!  How in the world did I get so lucky?  Seriously, I feel like the luckiest person in the entire world.  I have the best kids and husband and everything I could ever want or need. 

A visit to mom and dads and sweet dad holding Grace.  Love it! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


I don't think I will ever be able to forget the phone call that my sister in law Johnna passed away.  I talked to her just a few days ago as she called concerned for one of our brother in laws family members who had just passed?  She just came into the hospital and held baby Grace.  I don't know how it could be?

She is one of my favorite people and certainly one of my favorite sister in laws.  She shared a birthday with Alissa and my kids loved her almost as much as I did.  She treated them like her grandkids and Molly even called her grandma for part of her life.   

We attended her funeral while mom and dad babysat Grace.  I ran to their house to feed her before the luncheon and pretty much missed it, but that's ok.  My heart is aching at a loss of her in this world.  I know she loved me because she always told me and showed me.  I love her and miss her.

I brought balloons to release in her memory.  She loved bright colors so we got them in a variety of colors and it was pretty perfect.  Love you Johnna.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


The girls love going skiing thanks to the school supporting a "Ski Club" the past few years.  It allows the kids to go skiing with friends at Kelly Canyon for under $30 and they get to ride the bus there and back with friends so it's so much fun!  Alissa has gone 3 times with the school and Dustin has taken the girls night skiing once and just Ella and Alissa got to go for a whole day with him.  

They had a great time and Dustin reports that they are great skiers and know what they are doing pretty well.  I'm happy they can have this fun activity to do together in the beautiful mountains.