This baby boy is 2?! I swear the time is just flying by. We fed him some rainbow pancakes to celebrate and made him feel extra special.
He got a blow up alligator which he thought was pretty cool.
And grandma and grandpa gave him a slide which he got to help his dad assemble. The box was pretty fun as well.
This boy just loves everything about his dad and any chance he can to get outside.
He's helping him haul a log here in this picture.
He is pretty spoiled to have 3 big sisters who love and adore him. He gets pampered NONSTOP. He has learned to cry for Ella (which is what he calls all his sisters) when he gets put in his bed.
I will admit he has me pretty wrapped too. He's my little buddy. Since all the girls are in school we hang out all day long. He still sleeps by me most nights and for some reason finds comfort in squeezing my neck.
He doesn't talk much. Well he jabbers a lot and points and grunts a lot but we have all learned to speak his language and haven't made him speak English so he is barely saying 50 words now and that's stretching it a bit with animal sounds.
Our favorites are: jooch (drink), coe (sucker), peese (please), his monkey sound is pretty cute too - oo oo ah ah which is different than the girls used to do.
He loves being outside. We put a fence in the week of his birthday so he could play outside and not run into the street which is what he wanted to do all the time. He has loved it.
After about 6 months of fighting him he finally decided he LOVES nursery. They got a new nursery leader which I am positive helped him loads. When we drop him off I see him run in and hug her leg. Makes my heart so happy.
He is a climber and has learned to push the chairs or the stool to where he needs to reach and will climb all over the counter or table doing whatever suits his fancy. It makes me a bit crazy sometimes. He's not as bad as Alissa was, but with tile floors they can't do much climbing without making me a little nervous.
We call him Linc, Lincoln Logs, Lincs, Bubba
This boy has been a complete blessing to our family. We love him more than words can express. So thankful Heavenly Father blessed our family with him.