Thursday, July 31, 2014


Ella randomly woke up with this bump on her eye.

We concluded over the next day that it was a stye.  Pretty impressive huh?

Thankfully with a little bit of moisture, warm compress and time it leaked and went away.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Random Summer Pictures

We have been having way too much fun this summer, it's going to be a real drag to have the weather start getting cooler.  Here are a few random pictures of things going on.

The kids pulling each other by a jump rope in the laundry basket full of blankets.

Sitting on the front porch watching the kids play. 

So many friends!  Austin Pettingill and Molly.

One day they thought it would be fun to pick the buds off of the Lillies and dump out the seeds.  It was fun to watch their imaginations.

We did really good the first month or so of summer in having good dinners and then things got busy and I was throwing things together much quicker and we haven't even really set the table just buffet style.  Notice Dustin's smile - he loves a good dinner and set table.  We have been collecting table cloths from Dustin's family who visit different parts of the world.  This night was Italian night with our table cloth from Italy and we had spaghetti and meatballs while we listened to Italian music on Pandora. :)  We have a few others too - it's fun for all.

We got to pick some raspberries at grandma Carols.  This is a summer favorite for the girls.

Thankfully no hobo bites this year. 

Another visit to Rigby Lake.  These two are BFFs and silly!  They called themselves "The Explorers"  They were helping kids who needed help.  I love it!

Ella passed the swim test for the first time at Ammon pool and braved the diving board.  So proud of her for being brave!  It made me happy to see her wait for me to look so she could wave each time she went off the board.  Glad she likes me :)

Oh fun summer days!!

Happy 4th Birthday to Molly!

How could it be that this little girl turned 4?   It makes me crazy how quickly time is flying and these kids are just growing faster and faster.

Molly couldn't wait for her birthday shopping trip with grandma.  These girls are so lucky their grandma takes the time to take them shopping and to lunch for their birthdays.

The girls were anxiously awaiting her waking up so they could give her the presents they wrapped from us.  She got a nightgown, swimming suit, a Sophia book and some rain boots.  

We put candles in her egg sandwich (breakfast of choice) and let her blow them out.  And had her traditional decorated kitchen and doorway. :)  Love these kids!  They sure make life exciting.

We went to Rigby Lake and spent some time with friends playing in the sand and water.  We met a friend of mine from high school, Melissa Bradshaw Maxfield and my kids had fun playing with her kids McKinley, Annabelle and Gavin. 

Our neighbor friends the Andersons and Rigby's came out as well.  Molly and Sophie got transformed into mermaids. 

And Alissa says do it right or don't do it so she had her whole body changed. :) 

Our friends headed home right in time for our family to show up for dinner and cupcakes. I am pretty sure she had a great day!

Happy Birthday Molly girl!!  I am so grateful you are my baby girl!  You have such a great personality.  You are so friendly and personable and have such a free spirit.  You are almost always happy!  You are quick to say sorry and quick to forgive.  Probably because you are my 3rd child it makes me laugh to see you stick your little hand on your hip as you pop it out and give attitude every now and again.  You love to play with friends yet are happy and content to lay down on the bed and watch a movie.  You love snuggles with dad or mom or anybody for that matter that will snuggle you.   You love to sing  and have so many songs memorized.  You love your sisters and baby brother.  He is a little bothered by you right now because you love him WAY much and love to squeeze his little cheeks and play patty cake.  He is lucky to have you as his big sister!  

Love you!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Salmon River Trip 2014

We were super bummed about missing our family reunion last week we decided last minute to pack our things and head to the Salmon River this past Thursday.  We got there before dark so we immediately found a fishing spot for Dustin.  It's so beautiful up there!  I just love it!

And so do my kids.  Ella found me some pretty flowers.

Lincoln and I snuggled and tried to stay warm.  Kinda odd compared to the weather we have experienced lately. 

During the day it was SUPER HOT and this pretty much sums up how Lincoln felt about the trip.  It was too hard for him to catch a very good nap and we were all so hot it just pretty much because miserable for him and then for me because he was so fussy.

The other kids loved every second of it.  Mostly cause they got to hang with their cousins who were still up there.  We always have to switch kids around so they can ride in the same car.   

Four wheeler rides..

A deer standing right in our trail.  We always see loads of deer. 

Hanging out under a tree in the shade.  Dustin is desperately hoping this boy will LOVE camping and the outdoors as much as he does.  

The kids found a stream near our little parking spot.  We had to play in the water a little and cool off. 

Ella and Chris did a little drama for the camera so it looked like they were getting ready to jump in and swim. :)  I love it!

Baby blue eyes looking tired. 

The girls playing tea party at camp. 

Uncle Boone got a raft last year and took a few of them for a ride in it.  Sadly my kids thought it was pretty boring compared to riding in the tubes or small raft like last year.  I guess wet and bumpy = exciting.  I have to agree.  However, I'd love to go in this raft on some rapids!

While I was waiting for the clan to come back from floating I found this treasure in the family journal that is left up on the river.  It's a journal entry from August 2006 from Grandpa David.  It seriously made my day!  Sure do love and miss him.

After a long day on Saturday I finally concluded it was time to pack up and come home so we didn't have to leave too early on Sunday morning since Dustin was talking in church.  Thankfully Dustin didn't put up a fuss and we all packed up and headed for home.  Sure do love getting away though and LOVE this little family of mine!

Lincoln turns 4 months!

This beautiful baby boy is 4 months old!!  He is giggling and cooing and smiling.  He has started to slobber a lot more and and trying his darndest to get his fist in his mouth.  He loves to watch his mobile and listen to music.  

He also loves the TV.  We went to a movie the other day and in the 2nd row he stared at the movie for the entire 1.5 hours.  Occasionally made a happy sound and kicked his legs.  It made us laugh!!

He loves his mama and this makes me happy.  One of the benefits of breastfeeding I guess. :)  He is a good little eater and a great sleeper.  Usually only wakes me up once in the night and eats quickly and is right back to sleep until about 7 or 8.  Good thing cause I can't function too well without sleep.  My favorite is his quick little smiles as he catches my eye after feeding him in the night.  Melts my heart!

We took him to his well visit yesterday and here are his stats.

Weight: 16 lb 2.5 oz - 60%
Height 26" - 82%

LOVE this boy!!  So happy we get to have him in our family!