Saturday, November 30, 2013


After 5 months of anticipation in finding out the gender of our baby, we found out Tuesday that IT'S A BOY!  Poor Dustin cried and laughed and cried and laughed.  He had a whole bunch of bundled emotions. :)  I am pretty sure he was excited to say the least though.
They didn't waist time or keep us waiting she determined the gender within the first 1 minute of ultra sound.  Here is his bum & little boy part.
His cute face!  He kept sticking his hand up to his nose like he was picking it.  We determined that was a pretty "boy" thing to be doing. :)
And I just love the spine picture.  It's incredible how these babies can grow and develop so perfectly.  I felt so relieved and so blessed to have such a precious baby who is growing healthy and whole.  No doubt about it - it is a pure miracle from God.
My mom was watching the kids for us during the ultra sound so we stopped at Target really quick and bought a pack of blue onesies, blue binkis and a nurf gun with 3 bullets (just enough to defend himself to his 3 sisters).   The girls were excited - mostly Ella to hear it was a boy.  Molly still has no clue what is going on and still says we are having a sister if she gets asked.  :)
I kept teasing Dustin that it must be a boy because he has gained about the same amount of weight that I have lost since I got pregnant and he has had all the cravings around here.  I haven't had a single craving - mostly just felt sick.  Enough to be on medication sick until about 18 weeks and thankfully the last few weeks have been hit or miss but mostly feeling better.   Every time it's sweet Alissa's turn to say prayer without fail she says, "bless the baby to be healthy and that mom can feel good."  Such a blessing to hear her say that.  She has done it all on her own.  Makes my heart soft every time.
I have only been able to feel the baby move a very few number of times because the placenta is right in the front of my stomach which is cushioning all the movements.  I am pretty anxious to start feeling it though, it's my favorite. 
I got a $15 Doppler from a girl on facebook and have been using it on a daily basis to hear the little man's heart beat.  So soothing to me to find that heart beat and sit and listen to it quickly beating away. 

We have much to be thankful for!



Sunday, November 17, 2013


We woke up Saturday morning to about 3" of snow on the ground.  The kids were so excited and by 8am were in their snow clothes playing outside.  Later in the afternoon Ella got ambitious and made a snowman all by herself. 
She did have lots of moral support from her little sister though.  SO FUN!  Love these girls.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Swimming Lessons

For the past 4 weeks these two have been in swimming lessons twice a week at the aquatic center.  It was a new thing for all of us as we normally do it at Ammon Pool during the summer and it's every day for 2 weeks.  However, we learned this is the way we will do it for now on.   The girls learned so much and more than anything, had TONS of fun!
Ella even got recruited into a local swim team.  They really wanted her to join them but I think mom is going to have to say no to $70 a month and 3 days a week.  Not sure I am up for that right now.  We decided we know she loves swimming and has talent in it so we will continue it again next fall and go for some basketball in the winter with another friend.
It's been another fun experience.

Alissa learns to read!

For the past 2 years we have been doing Joy School at our house with a variety of different kids.  This year we have just 3 little girls who are all at totally different levels so it gives me a bit of a challenge as well as pushed me to help Alissa learn some more challenging things.
Recently we learned the songs to spell the word purple and yellow.  They sing the days of the week, months of the year, say the Pledge of Allegiance and just learned to count by 10s to 100.  She is getting close to counting to 100 by 1s.
I was a little worried about her (probably like I worry about Molly at this point) because she had a hard time sitting still and didn't show much interest in coloring or any kind of learning.  While teaching her the animal noises when she was two she said, "This is too hard, I don't want to do this anymore."  However, over the past few months something clicked and she has shown great desire to learn more so I have been trying to act on it.
We pulled out the little yellow books grandma gave us that have beginning words and she has been reading them to me, Ella and dad every day.  She reminds me in the morning that she needs to get a new book out. :)  She is doing excellent and it's super exciting to have another reader in our house! 
Good Job Alissa!  We LOVE YOU!! 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Turkey Bowl

We are starting November off with a bang as we headed over to Stinger Stadium to watch Dustin play in the City of Idaho Falls Turkey Bowl.  I should have had a picture of his 3 little pink cheerleaders.  They were so happy to spot their daddy out on the field.
They played 3 games, won 1 and lost 2 but they had a terrific time!  They even had matching Bee shirts that some good friends sponsored. 

Ella's Piano Recital

Ella had her fall piano recital on Friday night.  She did a terrific job and I am quick to admit I am so glad to be done with this song she has been "practicing" for the past 6 months.  She hasn't really enjoyed it so it has been a bit of a fight.
We love Aunt Cindy!  She does an amazing job teaching all her students and has a special way of convincing Ella (and everyone else) that she is AMAZING!
Ella stood with such confidence as she introduced herself and her song and played her song so great and then did her cute little curtsey that Cindy teaches her to do to thank all those who are applauding.