Our house is a mess and the kids are sleepy and it feels successful. Aside from the cabin and spending 6 hours at the park this week and having a cousin sleepover for 2 nights, we had a bridal shower and Easter celebrations.
Friday night we had Hansens over to our house for dinner and coloring Easter eggs. Farrah brought 5 dozen eggs!! The kids had a good time and didn't ask for more for the first time. :)
Kaiden actually looks a little bored. :)
Sage got a little crazy with the dye and colored her fingers green. We tried soaking them in vinegar and hand sanitizer but nothing worked so we painted her nails a different color to make her feel better.
So when we got the fingernail polish out, everybody else needed their fingers painted. Kaiden kindly volunteered to paint a few of our toenails (as long as he didn't have to touch them). I heard him giggling as he painted Alissa's and soon found out why...
We like to celebrate the bunny part of Easter on Saturday so Friday night the Easter bunny came and left lots of eggs all over the house and a basket for each kid with a few fun things. They were so excited because they didn't even anticipate the Easter bunny this year.
We met my family for lunch and went to a park for a few minutes to wait for everybody to be ready for the big hunt at grandma and grandpas house.
Mom handing out the baskets to all the kids with a jacket in it.
She had a little kid, bigger kid and adult hunt this year.
Everybody had way too much fun and got spoiled again. Such good grandparents!
Sunday has been a different Easter for us than normal. We were a lot more emotional and grateful for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's become much more personal. So thankful for the opportunity to be reunited with spirit and body and be able to see our dad/grandpa David again. We know we will and we strive to live righteously to be able to be a forever family.
I love my husband and am so grateful for the example he sets for our family of faith. He is strong and he displays such acceptance of the Lord's will. I am grateful for his testimony.